abstractive question answering

5 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

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Most implemented papers

A Distributional and Orthographic Aggregation Model for English Derivational Morphology

danieldeutsch/acl2018 ACL 2018

Modeling derivational morphology to generate words with particular semantics is useful in many text generation tasks, such as machine translation or abstractive question answering.

DialogLM: Pre-trained Model for Long Dialogue Understanding and Summarization

microsoft/dialoglm 6 Sep 2021

For a dialogue, it corrupts a window of text with dialogue-inspired noise, and guides the model to reconstruct this window based on the content of the remaining conversation.

Parameter-Efficient Abstractive Question Answering over Tables or Text

kolk/pea-qa dialdoc (ACL) 2022

In this work, we study parameter-efficient abstractive QA in encoder-decoder models over structured tabular data and unstructured textual data using only 1. 5% additional parameters for each modality.

Compositional Task-Oriented Parsing as Abstractive Question Answering

amazon-research/semantic-parsing-as-abstractive-qa NAACL 2022

Task-oriented parsing (TOP) aims to convert natural language into machine-readable representations of specific tasks, such as setting an alarm.

Answer is All You Need: Instruction-following Text Embedding via Answering the Question

zhang-yu-wei/inbedder 15 Feb 2024

This work aims to build a text embedder that can capture characteristics of texts specified by user instructions.