Sentence Summarization

19 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

Generating a summary of a given sentence.

Latest papers with no code

Impossible Distillation: from Low-Quality Model to High-Quality Dataset & Model for Summarization and Paraphrasing

no code yet • 26 May 2023

We present Impossible Distillation, a novel framework for paraphrasing and sentence summarization, that distills a high-quality dataset and model from a low-quality teacher that itself cannot perform these tasks.

Referee: Reference-Free Sentence Summarization with Sharper Controllability through Symbolic Knowledge Distillation

no code yet • 25 Oct 2022

Moreover, we uniquely propose iterative distillation of knowledge, where student models from the previous iteration of distillation serve as teacher models in the next iteration.

IndicNLG Benchmark: Multilingual Datasets for Diverse NLG Tasks in Indic Languages

no code yet • 10 Mar 2022

Natural Language Generation (NLG) for non-English languages is hampered by the scarcity of datasets in these languages.

Extract, Select and Rewrite: A New Modular Summarization Method

no code yet • ACL ARR January 2022

Prior works on supervised summarization are mainly based on end-to-end models, leading to low modularity, unfaithfulness and low interpretability.

Learning Non-Autoregressive Models from Search for Unsupervised Sentence Summarization

no code yet • ACL ARR November 2021

Text summarization aims to generate a short summary for an input text.

Bag-of-Vectors Autoencoders for Unsupervised Conditional Text Generation

no code yet • 13 Oct 2021

We address this issue by extending their method to Bag-of-Vectors Autoencoders (BoV-AEs), which encode the text into a variable-size bag of vectors that grows with the size of the text, as in attention-based models.

ICAF: Iterative Contrastive Alignment Framework for Multimodal Abstractive Summarization

no code yet • 11 Aug 2021

Integrating multimodal knowledge for abstractive summarization task is a work-in-progress research area, with present techniques inheriting fusion-then-generation paradigm.

Multimodal Sentence Summarization via Multimodal Selective Encoding

no code yet • COLING 2020

Thus, we propose a multimodal selective gate network that considers reciprocal relationships between textual and multi-level visual features, including global image descriptor, activation grids, and object proposals, to select highlights of the event when encoding the source sentence.

Multi-Image Summarization: Textual Summary from a Set of Cohesive Images

no code yet • 15 Jun 2020

Multi-sentence summarization is a well studied problem in NLP, while generating image descriptions for a single image is a well studied problem in Computer Vision.

Quality of syntactic implication of RL-based sentence summarization

no code yet • 11 Dec 2019

Work on summarization has explored both reinforcement learning (RL) optimization using ROUGE as a reward and syntax-aware models, such as models those input is enriched with part-of-speech (POS)-tags and dependency information.