Action Classification

227 papers with code • 24 benchmarks • 30 datasets


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Latest papers with no code

After-Stroke Arm Paresis Detection using Kinematic Data

no code yet • 3 Nov 2023

This paper presents an approach for detecting unilateral arm paralysis/weakness using kinematic data.

Proposal-based Temporal Action Localization with Point-level Supervision

no code yet • 9 Oct 2023

Point-level supervised temporal action localization (PTAL) aims at recognizing and localizing actions in untrimmed videos where only a single point (frame) within every action instance is annotated in training data.

SkeleTR: Towrads Skeleton-based Action Recognition in the Wild

no code yet • 20 Sep 2023

It first models the intra-person skeleton dynamics for each skeleton sequence with graph convolutions, and then uses stacked Transformer encoders to capture person interactions that are important for action recognition in general scenarios.

Semi Supervised Meta Learning for Spatiotemporal Learning

no code yet • 9 Jul 2023

Broadly, we seek to understand the impact of applying meta-learning to existing state-of-the-art representation learning architectures.

Spiking Two-Stream Methods with Unsupervised STDP-based Learning for Action Recognition

no code yet • 23 Jun 2023

Implementing this model with unsupervised STDP-based CSNNs allows us to further study the performance of these networks with video analysis.

How Object Information Improves Skeleton-based Human Action Recognition in Assembly Tasks

no code yet • 9 Jun 2023

Our research sheds light on the benefits of combining skeleton joints with object information for human action recognition in assembly tasks.

Human Action Recognition in Egocentric Perspective Using 2D Object and Hands Pose

no code yet • 8 Jun 2023

Egocentric action recognition is essential for healthcare and assistive technology that relies on egocentric cameras because it allows for the automatic and continuous monitoring of activities of daily living (ADLs) without requiring any conscious effort from the user.

Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning via Latent Time Navigation

no code yet • 10 May 2023

Self-supervised video representation learning aimed at maximizing similarity between different temporal segments of one video, in order to enforce feature persistence over time.

AssemblyHands: Towards Egocentric Activity Understanding via 3D Hand Pose Estimation

no code yet • CVPR 2023

To obtain high-quality 3D hand pose annotations for the egocentric images, we develop an efficient pipeline, where we use an initial set of manual annotations to train a model to automatically annotate a much larger dataset.

VicTR: Video-conditioned Text Representations for Activity Recognition

no code yet • 5 Apr 2023

In this paper, we argue the contrary, that better video-VLMs can be designed by focusing more on augmenting text, rather than visual information.