Action Localization

135 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 3 datasets

Action Localization is finding the spatial and temporal co ordinates for an action in a video. An action localization model will identify which frame an action start and ends in video and return the x,y coordinates of an action. Further the co ordinates will change when the object performing action undergoes a displacement.


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Most implemented papers

HACS: Human Action Clips and Segments Dataset for Recognition and Temporal Localization

hangzhaomit/HACS-dataset ICCV 2019

This paper presents a new large-scale dataset for recognition and temporal localization of human actions collected from Web videos.

Guess Where? Actor-Supervision for Spatiotemporal Action Localization

escorciav/roi_pooling 5 Apr 2018

Second, we propose an actor-based attention mechanism that enables the localization of the actions from action class labels and actor proposals and is end-to-end trainable.

Hide-and-Seek: A Data Augmentation Technique for Weakly-Supervised Localization and Beyond

kkanshul/Hide-and-Seek 6 Nov 2018

Our approach only needs to modify the input image and can work with any network to improve its performance.

Deep Concept-wise Temporal Convolutional Networks for Action Localization

PaddlePaddle/models 26 Aug 2019

In this paper, we empirically find that stacking more conventional temporal convolution layers actually deteriorates action classification performance, possibly ascribing to that all channels of 1D feature map, which generally are highly abstract and can be regarded as latent concepts, are excessively recombined in temporal convolution.

Background Suppression Network for Weakly-supervised Temporal Action Localization

Pilhyeon/BaSNet-pytorch 22 Nov 2019

This formulation does not fully model the problem in that background frames are forced to be misclassified as action classes to predict video-level labels accurately.

Learning Sparse 2D Temporal Adjacent Networks for Temporal Action Localization

microsoft/2D-TAN 8 Dec 2019

In this report, we introduce the Winner method for HACS Temporal Action Localization Challenge 2019.

Weakly-supervised Temporal Action Localization by Uncertainty Modeling

Pilhyeon/WTAL-Uncertainty-Modeling 12 Jun 2020

Experimental results show that our uncertainty modeling is effective at alleviating the interference of background frames and brings a large performance gain without bells and whistles.

1st place solution for AVA-Kinetics Crossover in AcitivityNet Challenge 2020

Siyu-C/ACAR-Net 16 Jun 2020

This technical report introduces our winning solution to the spatio-temporal action localization track, AVA-Kinetics Crossover, in ActivityNet Challenge 2020.

VideoMix: Rethinking Data Augmentation for Video Classification

jayChung0302/videomix 7 Dec 2020

Recent data augmentation strategies have been reported to address the overfitting problems in static image classifiers.

ACM-Net: Action Context Modeling Network for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization

ispc-lab/ACM-Net 7 Apr 2021

Traditional methods mainly focus on foreground and background frames separation with only a single attention branch and class activation sequence.