Ancient Text Restoration

5 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 1 datasets


Most implemented papers

Restoring and attributing ancient texts using deep neural networks

deepmind/ithaca Nature 2022

Ithaca can attribute inscriptions to their original location with an accuracy of 71% and can date them to less than 30 years of their ground-truth ranges, redating key texts of Classical Athens and contributing to topical debates in ancient history.

Restoring ancient text using deep learning: a case study on Greek epigraphy

sommerschield/ancient-text-restoration IJCNLP 2019

Ancient history relies on disciplines such as epigraphy, the study of ancient inscribed texts, for evidence of the recorded past.

Blank Language Models

Varal7/blank_language_model EMNLP 2020

We propose Blank Language Model (BLM), a model that generates sequences by dynamically creating and filling in blanks.

Probabilistically-sound beam search with masked language models

rcalef/hcb_infilling 22 Feb 2024

Beam search with masked language models (MLMs) is challenging in part because joint probability distributions over sequences are not readily available, unlike for autoregressive models.

Restoring Ancient Ideograph: A Multimodal Multitask Neural Network Approach

cissyduan/mmrm 11 Mar 2024

Cultural heritage serves as the enduring record of human thought and history.