Android Malware Detection

15 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 1 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Continuous Learning for Android Malware Detection

wagner-group/active-learning 8 Feb 2023

We propose a new hierarchical contrastive learning scheme, and a new sample selection technique to continuously train the Android malware classifier.

AndrODet: An Adaptive Android Obfuscation Detector

omirzaei/androdet Future Generation Computer Systems 2019

This is typically applied to protect intellectual property in benign apps, or to hinder the process of extracting actionable information in the case malware.

Why an Android App is Classified as Malware? Towards Malware Classification Interpretation

wubozhi/Xmal 24 Apr 2020

In this paper, to fill this gap, we propose a novel and interpretable ML-based approach (named XMal) to classify malware with high accuracy and explain the classification result meanwhile.

Deep Learning for Android Malware Defenses: a Systematic Literature Review

yueyueL/DL-based-Android-Malware-Defenses-review 9 Mar 2021

In this paper, we conducted a systematic literature review to search and analyze how deep learning approaches have been applied in the context of malware defenses in the Android environment.

heterogeneous temporal graph transformer: an intelligent system for evolving android malware detection

kdd2021drdroid/KDD2021_DrDroid KDD 2021

To capture malware evolution, we further consider the temporal dependence and introduce a heterogeneous temporal graph to jointly model malware propagation and evolution by considering heterogeneous spatial dependencies with temporal dimensions.

DexRay: A Simple, yet Effective Deep Learning Approach to Android Malware Detection based on Image Representation of Bytecode

trustworthy-software/dexray 5 Sep 2021

This work-in-progress paper contributes to the domain of Deep Learning based Malware detection by providing a sound, simple, yet effective approach (with available artefacts) that can be the basis to scope the many profound questions that will need to be investigated to fully develop this domain.

Can We Leverage Predictive Uncertainty to Detect Dataset Shift and Adversarial Examples in Android Malware Detection?

deqangss/malware-uncertainty 20 Sep 2021

Our main findings are: (i) predictive uncertainty indeed helps achieve reliable malware detection in the presence of dataset shift, but cannot cope with adversarial evasion attacks; (ii) approximate Bayesian methods are promising to calibrate and generalize malware detectors to deal with dataset shift, but cannot cope with adversarial evasion attacks; (iii) adversarial evasion attacks can render calibration methods useless, and it is an open problem to quantify the uncertainty associated with the predicted labels of adversarial examples (i. e., it is not effective to use predictive uncertainty to detect adversarial examples).

MaMaDroid2.0 -- The Holes of Control Flow Graphs

harelber/MaMaDroid2.0 28 Feb 2022

The changes in the ratio between benign and malicious samples have a clear effect on each one of the models, resulting in a decrease of more than 40% in their detection rate.

Towards a Fair Comparison and Realistic Evaluation Framework of Android Malware Detectors based on Static Analysis and Machine Learning

serralba/androidmaldet_comparative 25 May 2022

As in other cybersecurity areas, machine learning (ML) techniques have emerged as a promising solution to detect Android malware.

Efficient Query-Based Attack against ML-Based Android Malware Detection under Zero Knowledge Setting

gnipping/advdroidzero-access-instructions 5 Sep 2023

The widespread adoption of the Android operating system has made malicious Android applications an appealing target for attackers.