Answer Generation

55 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 3 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Product-Aware Answer Generation in E-Commerce Question-Answering

gsh199449/productqa 23 Jan 2019

In this paper, we propose the task of product-aware answer generation, which tends to generate an accurate and complete answer from large-scale unlabeled e-commerce reviews and product attributes.

Review-Driven Answer Generation for Product-Related Questions in E-Commerce

WHUIR/RAGE 27 Apr 2019

Then, we devise a mechanism to identify the relevant information from the noise-prone review snippets and incorporate this information to guide the answer generation.

AmazonQA: A Review-Based Question Answering Task

amazonqa/amazonqa 12 Aug 2019

Observing that many questions can be answered based upon the available product reviews, we propose the task of review-based QA.

Answering Naturally: Factoid to Full length Answer Generation

kolk/AnsweringNaturally WS 2019

A reading comprehension system extracts a span of text, comprising of named entities, dates, small phrases, etc., which serve as the answer to a given question.

VD-BERT: A Unified Vision and Dialog Transformer with BERT

salesforce/VD-BERT EMNLP 2020

By contrast, in this work, we propose VD-BERT, a simple yet effective framework of unified vision-dialog Transformer that leverages the pretrained BERT language models for Visual Dialog tasks.

RMM: A Recursive Mental Model for Dialog Navigation

HomeroRR/rmm 2 May 2020

In this paper, we go beyond instruction following and introduce a two-agent task where one agent navigates and asks questions that a second, guiding agent answers.

ConfNet2Seq: Full Length Answer Generation from Spoken Questions

kolk/ConfnetPointerGenBaseline 9 Jun 2020

This is the first attempt towards generating full-length natural answers from a graph input(confusion network) to the best of our knowledge.

Opinion-aware Answer Generation for Review-driven Question Answering in E-Commerce

dengyang17/OAAG 27 Aug 2020

There are two main challenges when exploiting the opinion information from the reviews to facilitate the opinion-aware answer generation: (i) jointly modeling opinionated and interrelated information between the question and reviews to capture important information for answer generation, (ii) aggregating diverse opinion information to uncover the common opinion towards the given question.

RMM: A Recursive Mental Model for Dialogue Navigation

HomeroRR/rmm Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2020

In this paper, we go beyond instruction following and introduce a two-agent task where one agent navigates and asks questions that a second, guiding agent answers.

End-to-End Video Question-Answer Generation with Generator-Pretester Network

htsucml/VQAG 5 Jan 2021

Furthermore, using our generated QA pairs only on the Video QA task, we can surpass some supervised baselines.