6 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 2 datasets
These leaderboards are used to track progress in automatic-speech-translation
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Most implemented papers
End-to-End Automatic Speech Translation of Audiobooks
We investigate end-to-end speech-to-text translation on a corpus of audiobooks specifically augmented for this task.
SkinAugment: Auto-Encoding Speaker Conversions for Automatic Speech Translation
Our method compares favorably to SpecAugment on English$\to$French and English$\to$Romanian automatic speech translation (AST) tasks as well as on a low-resource English automatic speech recognition (ASR) task.
Improving End-to-End Speech Translation by Imitation-Based Knowledge Distillation with Synthetic Transcripts
We present an imitation learning approach where a teacher NMT system corrects the errors of an AST student without relying on manual transcripts.
Seamless: Multilingual Expressive and Streaming Speech Translation
In this work, we introduce a family of models that enable end-to-end expressive and multilingual translations in a streaming fashion.
MooER: LLM-based Speech Recognition and Translation Models from Moore Threads
We achieve performance comparable to other open source models trained with up to hundreds of thousands of hours of labeled speech data.
BhasaAnuvaad: A Speech Translation Dataset for 13 Indian Languages
To this end, we introduce BhasaAnuvaad, the largest publicly available dataset for AST involving 13 out of 22 scheduled Indian languages and English spanning over 44, 400 hours and 17M text segments.