Auxiliary Learning

25 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

Auxiliary learning aims to find or design auxiliary tasks which can improve the performance on one or some primary tasks.

( Image credit: Self-Supervised Generalisation with Meta Auxiliary Learning )

Most implemented papers

Boost-RS: Boosted Embeddings for Recommender Systems and its Application to Enzyme-Substrate Interaction Prediction

hassounlab/boost-rs 28 Sep 2021

We show that each of our auxiliary tasks boosts learning of the embedding vectors, and that contrastive learning using Boost-RS outperforms attribute concatenation and multi-label learning.

Auxiliary Learning for Self-Supervised Video Representation via Similarity-based Knowledge Distillation

plrbear/auxskd 7 Dec 2021

Our experimental results show superior results to the state of the art on both UCF101 and HMDB51 datasets when pretraining on K100 in apple-to-apple comparisons.

On Exploring Pose Estimation as an Auxiliary Learning Task for Visible-Infrared Person Re-identification

yoqim/pose_vireid 11 Jan 2022

Visible-infrared person re-identification (VI-ReID) has been challenging due to the existence of large discrepancies between visible and infrared modalities.

Auto-Lambda: Disentangling Dynamic Task Relationships

lorenmt/auto-lambda 7 Feb 2022

Unlike previous methods where task relationships are assumed to be fixed, Auto-Lambda is a gradient-based meta learning framework which explores continuous, dynamic task relationships via task-specific weightings, and can optimise any choice of combination of tasks through the formulation of a meta-loss; where the validation loss automatically influences task weightings throughout training.

Improving CTC-based speech recognition via knowledge transferring from pre-trained language models

Vladimetr/ASR-Knowledge-Transferring 22 Feb 2022

Recently, end-to-end automatic speech recognition models based on connectionist temporal classification (CTC) have achieved impressive results, especially when fine-tuned from wav2vec2. 0 models.

Counting with Adaptive Auxiliary Learning

smallmax00/counting_with_adaptive_auxiliary 8 Mar 2022

This paper proposes an adaptive auxiliary task learning based approach for object counting problems.

Benchmark for Uncertainty & Robustness in Self-Supervised Learning

hamanhbui/reliable_ssl_baselines 23 Dec 2022

Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) is crucial for real-world applications, especially in data-hungry domains such as healthcare and self-driving cars.

Auxiliary Learning as an Asymmetric Bargaining Game

AvivSham/auxinash 31 Jan 2023

Auxiliary learning is an effective method for enhancing the generalization capabilities of trained models, particularly when dealing with small datasets.

Enhancing Deep Knowledge Tracing with Auxiliary Tasks

pykt-team/pykt-toolkit 14 Feb 2023

In this paper, we proposed \emph{AT-DKT} to improve the prediction performance of the original deep knowledge tracing model with two auxiliary learning tasks, i. e., \emph{question tagging (QT) prediction task} and \emph{individualized prior knowledge (IK) prediction task}.

MELTR: Meta Loss Transformer for Learning to Fine-tune Video Foundation Models

mlvlab/MELTR CVPR 2023

Therefore, we propose MEta Loss TRansformer (MELTR), a plug-in module that automatically and non-linearly combines various loss functions to aid learning the target task via auxiliary learning.