Blind Image Deblurring

14 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

Blind Image Deblurring is a classical problem in image processing and computer vision, which aims to recover a latent image from a blurred input.

Source: Learning a Discriminative Prior for Blind Image Deblurring

Most implemented papers

INFWIDE: Image and Feature Space Wiener Deconvolution Network for Non-blind Image Deblurring in Low-Light Conditions

zhihongz/infwide 17 Jul 2022

In terms of algorithm design, INFWIDE proposes a two-branch architecture, which explicitly removes noise and hallucinates saturated regions in the image space and suppresses ringing artifacts in the feature space, and integrates the two complementary outputs with a subtle multi-scale fusion network for high quality night photograph deblurring.

Blind Image Deblurring with Unknown Kernel Size and Substantial Noise

subeeshvasu/Awesome-Deblurring 18 Aug 2022

Blind image deblurring (BID) has been extensively studied in computer vision and adjacent fields.

GibbsDDRM: A Partially Collapsed Gibbs Sampler for Solving Blind Inverse Problems with Denoising Diffusion Restoration

sony/gibbsddrm 30 Jan 2023

Pre-trained diffusion models have been successfully used as priors in a variety of linear inverse problems, where the goal is to reconstruct a signal from noisy linear measurements.

Fast Diffusion EM: a diffusion model for blind inverse problems with application to deconvolution

claroche-r/fastdiffusionem 1 Sep 2023

Our method alternates between approximating the expected log-likelihood of the inverse problem using samples drawn from a diffusion model and a maximization step to estimate unknown model parameters.