Blood pressure estimation

7 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 2 datasets

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MIMIC-III, a freely accessible critical care database

mit-lcp/mimic-iii-paper Nature 2016

MIMIC-III (‘Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care’) is a large, single-center database comprising information relating to patients admitted to critical care units at a large tertiary care hospital.

Long-term Blood Pressure Prediction with Deep Recurrent Neural Networks

psu1/DeepRNN 12 May 2017

Existing methods for arterial blood pressure (BP) estimation directly map the input physiological signals to output BP values without explicitly modeling the underlying temporal dependencies in BP dynamics.

Developing Personalized Models of Blood Pressure Estimation from Wearable Sensors Data Using Minimally-trained Domain Adversarial Neural Networks

stmilab/cufflessbp_dann 24 Jul 2020

A practical problem with this approach is that the amount of data required to confidently train such a regression model can be prohibitive.

BP-Net: Efficient Deep Learning for Continuous Arterial Blood Pressure Estimation using Photoplethysmogram

rishivar/BP-Net 29 Nov 2021

Blood pressure (BP) is one of the most influential bio-markers for cardiovascular diseases and stroke; therefore, it needs to be regularly monitored to diagnose and prevent any advent of medical complications.

Hypertension Detection From High-Dimensional Representation of Photoplethysmogram Signals

navidhasanzadeh/hypertension_ppg 31 Jul 2023

Although some studies suggest a relationship between blood pressure and certain vital signals, such as Photoplethysmogram (PPG), reliable generalization of the proposed blood pressure estimation methods is not yet guaranteed.

Region-Disentangled Diffusion Model for High-Fidelity PPG-to-ECG Translation

debadityaqu/rddm 25 Aug 2023

In this work, we introduce Region-Disentangled Diffusion Model (RDDM), a novel diffusion model designed to capture the complex temporal dynamics of ECG.

BrainZ-BP: A Non-invasive Cuff-less Blood Pressure Estimation Approach Leveraging Brain Bio-impedance and Electrocardiogram

bf-yang/brainz-bp 18 Nov 2023

Clinically, treatment for patients with traumatic brain injuries (TBI) requires monitoring the ICP and BP of patients simultaneously.