Cell Segmentation

65 papers with code • 9 benchmarks • 18 datasets

Cell Segmentation is a task of splitting a microscopic image domain into segments, which represent individual instances of cells. It is a fundamental step in many biomedical studies, and it is regarded as a cornerstone of image-based cellular research. Cellular morphology is an indicator of a physiological state of the cell, and a well-segmented image can capture biologically relevant morphological information.

Source: Cell Segmentation by Combining Marker-controlled Watershed and Deep Learning

Latest papers with no code

A Foundation Model for Cell Segmentation

no code yet • 18 Nov 2023

Methods that have learned the general notion of "what is a cell" and can identify them across different domains of cellular imaging data have proven elusive.

Defining the boundaries: challenges and advances in identifying cells in microscopy images

no code yet • 14 Nov 2023

Segmentation, or the outlining of objects within images, is a critical step in the measurement and analysis of cells within microscopy images.

DistNet2D: Leveraging long-range temporal information for efficient segmentation and tracking

no code yet • 30 Oct 2023

Extracting long tracks and lineages from videomicroscopy requires an extremely low error rate, which is challenging on complex datasets of dense or deforming cells.

CUPre: Cross-domain Unsupervised Pre-training for Few-Shot Cell Segmentation

no code yet • 6 Oct 2023

While pre-training on object detection tasks, such as Common Objects in Contexts (COCO) [1], could significantly boost the performance of cell segmentation, it still consumes on massive fine-annotated cell images [2] with bounding boxes, masks, and cell types for every cell in every image, to fine-tune the pre-trained model.

Attention De-sparsification Matters: Inducing Diversity in Digital Pathology Representation Learning

no code yet • 12 Sep 2023

We propose DiRL, a Diversity-inducing Representation Learning technique for histopathology imaging.

Semi-supervised Instance Segmentation with a Learned Shape Prior

no code yet • 9 Sep 2023

To date, most instance segmentation approaches are based on supervised learning that requires a considerable amount of annotated object contours as training ground truth.

The Multi-modality Cell Segmentation Challenge: Towards Universal Solutions

no code yet • 10 Aug 2023

This benchmark and the improved algorithm offer promising avenues for more accurate and versatile cell analysis in microscopy imaging.

Impact of Image Compression on In Vitro Cell Migration Analysis

no code yet • Computers 2023

We aim to identify the most suitable compression algorithm that can be used for this purpose, relating rate–distortion performance as measured in terms of peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and the multiscale structural similarity index (MS-SSIM) to the segmentation accuracy obtained by the segmentation algorithms.

Advanced Multi-Microscopic Views Cell Semi-supervised Segmentation

no code yet • 21 Mar 2023

In this paper, we introduce a novel semi-supervised cell segmentation method called Multi-Microscopic-view Cell semi-supervised Segmentation (MMCS), which can train cell segmentation models utilizing less labeled multi-posture cell images with different microscopy well.

SpaceTx: A Roadmap for Benchmarking Spatial Transcriptomics Exploration of the Brain

no code yet • 20 Jan 2023

Although the landscape of experimental methods has changed dramatically since the beginning of SpaceTx, the need for quantitative and detailed benchmarking of spatial transcriptomics methods in the brain is still unmet.