General Classification

3929 papers with code • 11 benchmarks • 8 datasets

Algorithms trying to solve the general task of classification.


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Large Stepsize Gradient Descent for Logistic Loss: Non-Monotonicity of the Loss Improves Optimization Efficiency

no code yet • 24 Feb 2024

We consider gradient descent (GD) with a constant stepsize applied to logistic regression with linearly separable data, where the constant stepsize $\eta$ is so large that the loss initially oscillates.

Improving performance of heart rate time series classification by grouping subjects

no code yet • 22 Nov 2023

Together, these findings indicate that heart rate time series can be utilized for classification tasks like predicting activity.

Explainable and Accurate Natural Language Understanding for Voice Assistants and Beyond

no code yet • 25 Sep 2023

Therefore to bridge this gap, we transform the full joint NLU model to be `inherently' explainable at granular levels without compromising on accuracy.

CEIL: A General Classification-Enhanced Iterative Learning Framework for Text Clustering

no code yet • 20 Apr 2023

To address this issue, we propose CEIL, a novel Classification-Enhanced Iterative Learning framework for short text clustering, which aims at generally promoting the clustering performance by introducing a classification objective to iteratively improve feature representations.

Video traffic identification with novel feature extraction and selection method

no code yet • 6 Mar 2023

Second, to reduce the cost of video traffic identification and select an effective feature subset, the current research proposes an adaptive distribution distance-based feature selection (ADDFS) method, which uses Wasserstein distance to measure the distance between feature distributions.

Active Learning and Bayesian Optimization: a Unified Perspective to Learn with a Goal

no code yet • 2 Mar 2023

This paper discusses and formalizes the synergy between Bayesian optimization and active learning as symbiotic adaptive sampling methodologies driven by common principles.

Sparsity based morphological identification of heartbeats

no code yet • 16 Jan 2023

The proposal considers the sparsity of the representation of a heartbeat as a parameter for morphological identification.

Acceleration of Subspace Learning Machine via Particle Swarm Optimization and Parallel Processing

no code yet • 15 Aug 2022

First, we adopt the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm to speed up the search of a discriminant dimension that is expressed as a linear combination of current dimensions.

Exploring Techniques for the Analysis of Spontaneous Asynchronicity in MPI-Parallel Applications

no code yet • 27 May 2022

This paper studies the utility of using data analytics and machine learning techniques for identifying, classifying, and characterizing the dynamics of large-scale parallel (MPI) programs.

Minimax risk classifiers with 0-1 loss

no code yet • 17 Jan 2022

Supervised classification techniques use training samples to learn a classification rule with small expected 0-1 loss (error probability).