Color Constancy

38 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 5 datasets

Color Constancy is the ability of the human vision system to perceive the colors of the objects in the scene largely invariant to the color of the light source. The task of computational Color Constancy is to estimate the scene illumination and then perform the chromatic adaptation in order to remove the influence of the illumination color on the colors of the objects in the scene.

Source: CroP: Color Constancy Benchmark Dataset Generator

Most implemented papers

Zero-Reference Deep Curve Estimation for Low-Light Image Enhancement

Li-Chongyi/Zero-DCE CVPR 2020

The paper presents a novel method, Zero-Reference Deep Curve Estimation (Zero-DCE), which formulates light enhancement as a task of image-specific curve estimation with a deep network.

A Benchmark for Temporal Color Constancy

matteo-rizzo/saliency-faithfulness-eval 8 Mar 2020

The conventional approach is to use a single frame - shot frame - to estimate the scene illumination color.

Fast Fourier Color Constancy

google/ffcc CVPR 2017

We present Fast Fourier Color Constancy (FFCC), a color constancy algorithm which solves illuminant estimation by reducing it to a spatial localization task on a torus.

Color Constancy Using CNNs

rodroadl/CCCNN-pytorch 17 Apr 2015

In this work we describe a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to accurately predict the scene illumination.

Convolutional Color Constancy

leggedrobotics/raw_image_pipeline ICCV 2015

Color constancy is the problem of inferring the color of the light that illuminated a scene, usually so that the illumination color can be removed.

FC4: Fully Convolutional Color Constancy With Confidence-Weighted Pooling

yuanming-hu/fc4 CVPR 2017

However, the patch-based CNNs that exist for this problem are faced with the issue of estimation ambiguity, where a patch may contain insufficient information to establish a unique or even a limited possible range of illumination colors.

Semantic White Balance: Semantic Color Constancy Using Convolutional Neural Network

mahmoudnafifi/Semantic-Color-Constancy-Using-CNN 1 Feb 2018

The goal of computational color constancy is to preserve the perceptive colors of objects under different lighting conditions by removing the effect of color casts caused by the scene's illumination.

Revisiting Gray Pixel for Statistical Illumination Estimation

yanlinqian/Mean-shifted-Gray-Pixel 22 Mar 2018

We present a statistical color constancy method that relies on novel gray pixel detection and mean shift clustering.

Color Constancy by Reweighting Image Feature Maps

QiuJueqin/Reweight-CC 25 Jun 2018

In this study, a novel illuminant color estimation framework is proposed for computational color constancy, which incorporates the high representational capacity of deep-learning-based models and the great interpretability of assumption-based models.

Decoupling Semantic Context and Color Correlation with multi-class cross branch regularization

tejgvsl/Color-constancy 18 Oct 2018

This paper presents a novel design methodology for architecting a light-weight and faster DNN architecture for vision applications.