Continual Relation Extraction

7 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

Compared with traditional relation extraction, CRE aims to help the model learn new relations while maintaining accurate classification of old ones.

Most implemented papers

Curriculum-Meta Learning for Order-Robust Continual Relation Extraction

wutong8023/AAAI-CML 6 Jan 2021

We propose a novel curriculum-meta learning method to tackle the above two challenges in continual relation extraction.

Refining Sample Embeddings with Relation Prototypes to Enhance Continual Relation Extraction

fd2014cl/rp-cre ACL 2021

As a typical task of continual learning, continual relation extraction (CRE) aims to extract relations between entities from texts, where the samples of different relations are delivered into the model continuously.

Consistent Representation Learning for Continual Relation Extraction

thuiar/CRL Findings (ACL) 2022

Specifically, supervised contrastive learning based on a memory bank is first used to train each new task so that the model can effectively learn the relation representation.

Learning Robust Representations for Continual Relation Extraction via Adversarial Class Augmentation

wangpeiyi9979/aca 10 Oct 2022

In this paper, through empirical studies we argue that this assumption may not hold, and an important reason for catastrophic forgetting is that the learned representations do not have good robustness against the appearance of analogous relations in the subsequent learning process.

Enhancing Continual Relation Extraction via Classifier Decomposition

hemingkx/cdec 8 May 2023

In this work, we point out that there exist two typical biases after training of this vanilla strategy: classifier bias and representation bias, which causes the previous knowledge that the model learned to be shaded.

Improving Continual Relation Extraction by Distinguishing Analogous Semantics

nju-websoft/cear 11 May 2023

To address this issue, we propose a novel continual extraction model for analogous relations.

Rationale-Enhanced Language Models are Better Continual Relation Learners

weiminxiong/rationalecl 10 Oct 2023

Continual relation extraction (CRE) aims to solve the problem of catastrophic forgetting when learning a sequence of newly emerging relations.