Conversational Response Selection

31 papers with code • 13 benchmarks • 11 datasets

Conversational response selection refers to the task of identifying the most relevant response to a given input sentence from a collection of sentences.


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Latest papers with no code

Two-Level Supervised Contrastive Learning for Response Selection in Multi-Turn Dialogue

no code yet • 1 Mar 2022

We further develop a new method for supervised contrastive learning, referred to as two-level supervised contrastive learning, and employ the method in response selection in multi-turn dialogue.

Small Changes Make Big Differences: Improving Multi-turn Response Selection in Dialogue Systems via Fine-Grained Contrastive Learning

no code yet • 19 Nov 2021

The sequence representation plays a key role in the learning of matching degree between the dialogue context and the response.

Learning an Effective Context-Response Matching Model with Self-Supervised Tasks for Retrieval-based Dialogues

no code yet • 14 Sep 2020

To address these issues, in this paper, we propose learning a context-response matching model with auxiliary self-supervised tasks designed for the dialogue data based on pre-trained language models.

The World is Not Binary: Learning to Rank with Grayscale Data for Dialogue Response Selection

no code yet • EMNLP 2020

Despite that response selection is naturally a learning-to-rank problem, most prior works take a point-wise view and train binary classifiers for this task: each response candidate is labeled either relevant (one) or irrelevant (zero).

Sampling Matters! An Empirical Study of Negative Sampling Strategies for Learning of Matching Models in Retrieval-based Dialogue Systems

no code yet • IJCNLP 2019

We study how to sample negative examples to automatically construct a training set for effective model learning in retrieval-based dialogue systems.

TripleNet: Triple Attention Network for Multi-Turn Response Selection in Retrieval-based Chatbots

no code yet • CONLL 2019

The heart of TripleNet is a novel attention mechanism named triple attention to model the relationships within the triple at four levels.

Multi-Granularity Representations of Dialog

no code yet • IJCNLP 2019

Neural models of dialog rely on generalized latent representations of language.

DSTC7 Task 1: Noetic End-to-End Response Selection

no code yet • WS 2019

Goal-oriented dialogue in complex domains is an extremely challenging problem and there are relatively few datasets.

Improved Deep Learning Baselines for Ubuntu Corpus Dialogs

no code yet • 13 Oct 2015

The ensemble further improves the performance and it achieves a state-of-the-art result for the next utterance ranking on this dataset.