Conversational Search

53 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 2 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Summarizing and Exploring Tabular Data in Conversational Search

iai-group/sigir2020-tablesum 23 May 2020

We propose to generate natural language summaries as answers to describe the complex information contained in a table.

Query Resolution for Conversational Search with Limited Supervision

nickvosk/sigir2020-query-resolution 24 May 2020

Context from the conversational history can be used to arrive at a better expression of the current turn query, defined as the task of query resolution.

Controlling the Risk of Conversational Search via Reinforcement Learning

zhenduow/conversationalQA 15 Jan 2021

In this work, we propose a risk-aware conversational search agent model to balance the risk of answering user's query and asking clarifying questions.

Open-Domain Conversational Search Assistant with Transformers

novasearch/conversational-search-assistant-transformers 20 Jan 2021

Open-domain conversational search assistants aim at answering user questions about open topics in a conversational manner.

Role of Attentive History Selection in Conversational Information Seeking

somiltg/orconvqa-release 7 Feb 2021

The rise of intelligent assistant systems like Siri and Alexa have led to the emergence of Conversational Search, a research track of Information Retrieval (IR) that involves interactive and iterative information-seeking user-system dialog.

User Engagement Prediction for Clarification in Search

isekulic/mimics-EL-benchmark 8 Feb 2021

Prompting the user for clarification in a search session can be very beneficial to the system as the user's explicit feedback helps the system improve retrieval massively.

Meta-evaluation of Conversational Search Evaluation Metrics

poethan/LEPOR 27 Apr 2021

Conversational search systems, such as Google Assistant and Microsoft Cortana, enable users to interact with search systems in multiple rounds through natural language dialogues.

Few-Shot Conversational Dense Retrieval

thunlp/ConvDR 10 May 2021

In this paper, we present a Conversational Dense Retrieval system, ConvDR, that learns contextualized embeddings for multi-turn conversational queries and retrieves documents solely using embedding dot products.

High-Quality Diversification for Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems

smt-HS/I-SEE 2 Jun 2021

Many task-oriented dialogue systems use deep reinforcement learning (DRL) to learn policies that respond to the user appropriately and complete the tasks successfully.

MConv: An Environment for Multimodal Conversational Search across Multiple Domains

lizi-git/MMConv SIGIR 2021

Second, a set of benchmark results for dialogue state tracking, conversational recommendation, response generation as well as a unified model for multiple tasks are reported.