Cross-Lingual Natural Language Inference

16 papers with code • 4 benchmarks • 2 datasets

Using data and models available for one language for which ample such resources are available (e.g., English) to solve a natural language inference task in another, commonly more low-resource, language.


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2 papers

Most implemented papers

mGPT: Few-Shot Learners Go Multilingual

ai-forever/mgpt 15 Apr 2022

Recent studies report that autoregressive language models can successfully solve many NLP tasks via zero- and few-shot learning paradigms, which opens up new possibilities for using the pre-trained language models.

Bridging Cross-Lingual Gaps During Leveraging the Multilingual Sequence-to-Sequence Pretraining for Text Generation and Understanding

zanchangtong/csr4mbart 16 Apr 2022

For multilingual sequence-to-sequence pretrained language models (multilingual Seq2Seq PLMs), e. g. mBART, the self-supervised pretraining task is trained on a wide range of monolingual languages, e. g. 25 languages from CommonCrawl, while the downstream cross-lingual tasks generally progress on a bilingual language subset, e. g. English-German, making there exists the data discrepancy, namely domain discrepancy, and cross-lingual learning objective discrepancy, namely task discrepancy, between the pretraining and finetuning stages.

Nebula-I: A General Framework for Collaboratively Training Deep Learning Models on Low-Bandwidth Cloud Clusters

PaddlePaddle/Paddle 19 May 2022

We took natural language processing (NLP) as an example to show how Nebula-I works in different training phases that include: a) pre-training a multilingual language model using two remote clusters; and b) fine-tuning a machine translation model using knowledge distilled from pre-trained models, which run through the most popular paradigm of recent deep learning.

Enhancing Cross-lingual Natural Language Inference by Soft Prompting with Multilingual Verbalizer

thu-bpm/softmv 22 May 2023

In this paper, we propose a novel Soft prompt learning framework with the Multilingual Verbalizer (SoftMV) for XNLI.

Do Multilingual Language Models Think Better in English?

juletx/self-translate 2 Aug 2023

In this work, we introduce a new approach called self-translate, which overcomes the need of an external translation system by leveraging the few-shot translation capabilities of multilingual language models.