Crowd Counting

137 papers with code • 10 benchmarks • 19 datasets

Crowd Counting is a task to count people in image. It is mainly used in real-life for automated public monitoring such as surveillance and traffic control. Different from object detection, Crowd Counting aims at recognizing arbitrarily sized targets in various situations including sparse and cluttering scenes at the same time.

Source: Deep Density-aware Count Regressor

DAOT: Domain-Agnostically Aligned Optimal Transport for Domain-Adaptive Crowd Counting

hopoolinz/daot 10 Aug 2023

Domain adaptation is commonly employed in crowd counting to bridge the domain gaps between different datasets.

10 Aug 2023

Improved Knowledge Distillation for Crowd Counting on IoT Device

huangzuo/effcc_distilled IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing and Communications 2023

This is comparable to state-of-the-art deep crowd counting models, but at a fraction of the original model size and complexity, thus making the solution suitable for IoT devices.

02 Aug 2023

ComPtr: Towards Diverse Bi-source Dense Prediction Tasks via A Simple yet General Complementary Transformer

lartpang/comptr 23 Jul 2023

Specifically, unlike existing methods that over-specialize in a single task or a subset of tasks, ComPtr starts from the more general concept of bi-source dense prediction.

23 Jul 2023

CLIP-Count: Towards Text-Guided Zero-Shot Object Counting

songrise/clip-count 12 May 2023

Specifically, we propose CLIP-Count, the first end-to-end pipeline that estimates density maps for open-vocabulary objects with text guidance in a zero-shot manner.

12 May 2023

CrowdCLIP: Unsupervised Crowd Counting via Vision-Language Model

dk-liang/crowdclip CVPR 2023

To the best of our knowledge, CrowdCLIP is the first to investigate the vision language knowledge to solve the counting problem.

09 Apr 2023

Explicit Attention-Enhanced Fusion for RGB-Thermal Perception Tasks

freeformrobotics/eaefnet 28 Mar 2023

Specifically, we consider the following cases: i) both RGB data and thermal data, ii) only one of the types of data, and iii) none of them generate discriminative features.

28 Mar 2023

$CrowdDiff$: Multi-hypothesis Crowd Density Estimation using Diffusion Models

dylran/diffusedenoisecount 22 Mar 2023

Furthermore, as the intermediate time steps of the diffusion process are noisy, we incorporate a regression branch for direct crowd estimation only during training to improve the feature learning.

22 Mar 2023

Cross-head Supervision for Crowd Counting with Noisy Annotations

raccoondml/chsnet 16 Mar 2023

To alleviate the negative impact of noisy annotations, we propose a novel crowd counting model with one convolution head and one transformer head, in which these two heads can supervise each other in noisy areas, called Cross-Head Supervision.

16 Mar 2023

Super-Resolution Information Enhancement For Crowd Counting

pris-cv/mssrm 13 Mar 2023

As the proposed method requires SR labels, we further propose a Super-Resolution Crowd Counting dataset (SR-Crowd).

13 Mar 2023

HumanBench: Towards General Human-centric Perception with Projector Assisted Pretraining

opengvlab/humanbench CVPR 2023

Specifically, we propose a \textbf{HumanBench} based on existing datasets to comprehensively evaluate on the common ground the generalization abilities of different pretraining methods on 19 datasets from 6 diverse downstream tasks, including person ReID, pose estimation, human parsing, pedestrian attribute recognition, pedestrian detection, and crowd counting.

10 Mar 2023