Crowd Counting

137 papers with code • 10 benchmarks • 19 datasets

Crowd Counting is a task to count people in image. It is mainly used in real-life for automated public monitoring such as surveillance and traffic control. Different from object detection, Crowd Counting aims at recognizing arbitrarily sized targets in various situations including sparse and cluttering scenes at the same time.

Source: Deep Density-aware Count Regressor

Most implemented papers

Focal Inverse Distance Transform Maps for Crowd Localization

dk-liang/FIDTM 16 Feb 2021

Most regression-based methods utilize convolution neural networks (CNN) to regress a density map, which can not accurately locate the instance in the extremely dense scene, attributed to two crucial reasons: 1) the density map consists of a series of blurry Gaussian blobs, 2) severe overlaps exist in the dense region of the density map.

Uniformity in Heterogeneity:Diving Deep into Count Interval Partition for Crowd Counting

TencentYoutuResearch/CrowdCounting-SASNet 27 Jul 2021

Therefore, we propose a novel count interval partition criterion called Uniform Error Partition (UEP), which always keeps the expected counting error contributions equal for all intervals to minimize the prediction risk.

Rethinking Counting and Localization in Crowds:A Purely Point-Based Framework

tencentyouturesearch/crowdcounting-p2pnet 27 Jul 2021

In this paper, we propose a purely point-based framework for joint crowd counting and individual localization.

Inception-Based Crowd Counting -- Being Fast while Remaining Accurate

gjy3035/Awesome-Crowd-Counting 18 Oct 2022

Recent sophisticated CNN-based algorithms have demonstrated their extraordinary ability to automate counting crowds from images, thanks to their structures which are designed to address the issue of various head scales.

CrowdNet: A Deep Convolutional Network for Dense Crowd Counting

davideverona/deep-crowd-counting_crowdnet 22 Aug 2016

Our work proposes a novel deep learning framework for estimating crowd density from static images of highly dense crowds.

Improving Object Counting with Heatmap Regulation

littleaich/heatmap-regulation 14 Mar 2018

Adding HR to a simple VGG front-end improves performance on all these benchmarks compared to a simple one-look baseline model and results in state-of-the-art performance for car counting.

Dual Path Multi-Scale Fusion Networks with Attention for Crowd Counting

pxq0312/SFANet-crowd-counting 4 Feb 2019

The task of crowd counting in varying density scenes is an extremely difficult challenge due to large scale variations.

Exploiting Unlabeled Data in CNNs by Self-supervised Learning to Rank

xialeiliu/RankIQA 17 Feb 2019

Our results show that networks trained to regress to the ground truth targets for labeled data and to simultaneously learn to rank unlabeled data obtain significantly better, state-of-the-art results for both IQA and crowd counting.

Locate, Size and Count: Accurately Resolving People in Dense Crowds via Detection

val-iisc/lsc-cnn 18 Jun 2019

We introduce a detection framework for dense crowd counting and eliminate the need for the prevalent density regression paradigm.

AutoScale: Learning to Scale for Crowd Counting and Localization

dk-liang/AutoScale 20 Dec 2019

A major issue is that the density map on dense regions usually accumulates density values from a number of nearby Gaussian blobs, yielding different large density values on a small set of pixels.