
37 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 2 datasets

De-identification is the task of detecting privacy-related entities in text, such as person names, emails and contact data.

Most implemented papers

Feature Robustness in Non-stationary Health Records: Caveats to Deployable Model Performance in Common Clinical Machine Learning Tasks

MLforHealth/MIMIC_Generalisation 2 Aug 2019

When training clinical prediction models from electronic health records (EHRs), a key concern should be a model's ability to sustain performance over time when deployed, even as care practices, database systems, and population demographics evolve.

Comparing Rule-based, Feature-based and Deep Neural Methods for De-identification of Dutch Medical Records

nedap/deidentify 16 Jan 2020

We test the generalizability of three de-identification methods across languages and domains.

Closing the Gap: Joint De-Identification and Concept Extraction in the Clinical Domain

boschresearch/joint_anonymization_extraction ACL 2020

Exploiting natural language processing in the clinical domain requires de-identification, i. e., anonymization of personal information in texts.

CIAGAN: Conditional Identity Anonymization Generative Adversarial Networks

dvl-tum/ciagan CVPR 2020

In many real-world scenarios like people tracking or action recognition, it is important to be able to process the data while taking careful consideration in protecting people's identity.

MASK: A flexible framework to facilitate de-identification of clinical texts

icescentral/MASK_public 24 May 2020

The software is able to perform named entity recognition using some of the state-of-the-art techniques and then mask or redact recognized entities.

The UU-Net: Reversible Face De-Identification for Visual Surveillance Video Footage

hugomcp/uu-net 8 Jul 2020

We propose a reversible face de-identification method for low resolution video data, where landmark-based techniques cannot be reliably used.

Hide-and-Seek Privacy Challenge

vanderschaarlab/hide-and-seek-submissions 23 Jul 2020

The clinical time-series setting poses a unique combination of challenges to data modeling and sharing.

Privacy Guarantees for De-identifying Text Transformations

uds-lsv/privacy-preserving-text-transformer 7 Aug 2020

Machine Learning approaches to Natural Language Processing tasks benefit from a comprehensive collection of real-life user data.

PHICON: Improving Generalization of Clinical Text De-identification Models via Data Augmentation

betterzhou/PHICON EMNLP (ClinicalNLP) 2020

De-identification is the task of identifying protected health information (PHI) in the clinical text.