Density Ratio Estimation

24 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

Estimating the ratio of one density function to the other.

Most implemented papers

Efficient Subsampling of Realistic Images From GANs Conditional on a Class or a Continuous Variable

UBCDingXin/cDR-RS 20 Mar 2021

When sampling from CcGANs, the superiority of cDR-RS is even more noticeable in terms of both effectiveness and efficiency.

The Power of Log-Sum-Exp: Sequential Density Ratio Matrix Estimation for Speed-Accuracy Optimization

TaikiMiyagawa/MSPRT-TANDEM 28 May 2021

We propose a model for multiclass classification of time series to make a prediction as early and as accurate as possible.

Mandoline: Model Evaluation under Distribution Shift

HazyResearch/mandoline 1 Jul 2021

If an unlabeled sample from the target distribution is available, along with a labeled sample from a possibly different source distribution, standard approaches such as importance weighting can be applied to estimate performance on the target.

Featurized Density Ratio Estimation

ermongroup/f-dre 5 Jul 2021

Density ratio estimation serves as an important technique in the unsupervised machine learning toolbox.

Positive-Unlabeled Classification under Class-Prior Shift: A Prior-invariant Approach Based on Density Ratio Estimation

csnakajima/pu-learning 11 Jul 2021

Learning from positive and unlabeled (PU) data is an important problem in various applications.

Density Ratio Estimation via Infinitesimal Classification

ermongroup/dre-infinity 22 Nov 2021

We then estimate the instantaneous rate of change of the bridge distributions indexed by time (the "time score") -- a quantity defined analogously to data (Stein) scores -- with a novel time score matching objective.

MBORE: Multi-objective Bayesian Optimisation by Density-Ratio Estimation

georgedeath/mbore 31 Mar 2022

In this work we present MBORE: multi-objective Bayesian optimisation by density-ratio estimation, and compare it to BO across a range of synthetic and real-world benchmarks.

SIXO: Smoothing Inference with Twisted Objectives

lindermanlab/sixo 13 Jun 2022

Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) is an inference algorithm for state space models that approximates the posterior by sampling from a sequence of target distributions.

Batch Bayesian optimisation via density-ratio estimation with guarantees

rafaol/batch-bore-with-guarantees 22 Sep 2022

Bayesian optimisation (BO) algorithms have shown remarkable success in applications involving expensive black-box functions.

Low Variance Off-policy Evaluation with State-based Importance Sampling

bossdm/importancesampling 7 Dec 2022

In off-policy reinforcement learning, a behaviour policy performs exploratory interactions with the environment to obtain state-action-reward samples which are then used to learn a target policy that optimises the expected return.