Depression Detection

25 papers with code • 4 benchmarks • 5 datasets

Depression Detection is the problem of identifying signs of depression in individuals. These signs might be identified in peoples’ speech, facial expressions and in the use of language.

Source: Affective Conditioning on Hierarchical Attention Networks applied to Depression Detection from Transcribed Clinical Interviews

Most implemented papers

Gender Bias in Depression Detection Using Audio Features

adbailey1/DepAudioNet_reproduction 28 Oct 2020

Depression is a large-scale mental health problem and a challenging area for machine learning researchers in detection of depression.

Text-based depression detection on sparse data

richermans/text_based_depression 8 Apr 2019

Previous text-based depression detection is commonly based on large user-generated data.

A Text Classification Framework for Simple and Effective Early Depression Detection Over Social Media Streams

sergioburdisso/pyss3 18 May 2019

However, most standard and state-of-the-art supervised machine learning models are not well suited to deal with this scenario.

Cost-sensitive Boosting Pruning Trees for depression detection on Twitter

BIPL-UoL/Cost-Boosting-Pruning-Trees-for-depression-detection-on-Twitter 2 Jun 2019

Depression is one of the most common mental health disorders, and a large number of depressed people commit suicide each year.

Affective Conditioning on Hierarchical Networks applied to Depression Detection from Transcribed Clinical Interviews

danaiksez/depression-detection 4 Jun 2020

In this work we propose a machine learning model for depression detection from transcribed clinical interviews.

Looking At The Body: Automatic Analysis of Body Gestures and Self-Adaptors in Psychological Distress

LinWeizheDragon/AutoFidgetDetection 31 Jul 2020

Compared to modalities such as face, head, and vocal, research investigating the use of the body modality for these tasks is relatively sparse.

FedMood: Federated Learning on Mobile Health Data for Mood Detection

RingBDStack/Fed_mood 6 Feb 2021

Depression is one of the most common mental illness problems, and the symptoms shown by patients are not consistent, making it difficult to diagnose in the process of clinical practice and pathological research.

Automatic Depression Detection: An Emotional Audio-Textual Corpus and a GRU/BiLSTM-based Model

speechandlanguageprocessing/icassp2022-depression 15 Feb 2022

Depression is a global mental health problem, the worst case of which can lead to suicide.

Improving the Generalizability of Depression Detection by Leveraging Clinical Questionnaires

thongnt99/acl22-depression-phq9 ACL 2022

In dataset-transfer experiments on three social media datasets, we find that grounding the model in PHQ9's symptoms substantially improves its ability to generalize to out-of-distribution data compared to a standard BERT-based approach.

Integration of Text and Graph-based Features for Detecting Mental Health Disorders from Voice

nghadiri/FuzzyDLText 14 May 2022

With the availability of voice-enabled devices such as smart phones, mental health disorders could be detected and treated earlier, particularly post-pandemic.