Dialogue Act Classification

23 papers with code • 5 benchmarks • 8 datasets

Dialogue act classification is the task of classifying an utterance with respect to the function it serves in a dialogue, i.e. the act the speaker is performing. Dialogue acts are a type of speech acts (for Speech Act Theory, see Austin (1975) and Searle (1969)).

Most implemented papers

Guiding attention in Sequence-to-sequence models for Dialogue Act prediction

venkat-ravilla/DAP 20 Feb 2020

The task of predicting dialog acts (DA) based on conversational dialog is a key component in the development of conversational agents.

Contextual Dialogue Act Classification for Open-Domain Conversational Agents

emory-irlab/CDAC 28 May 2020

Furthermore, our results show that fine-tuning the CDAC model on a small sample of manually labeled human-machine conversations allows CDAC to more accurately predict dialogue acts in real users' conversations, suggesting a promising direction for future improvements.

Handling Class Imbalance in Low-Resource Dialogue Systems by Combining Few-Shot Classification and Interpolation

OSU-slatelab/vp-pairwise 28 Oct 2020

Utterance classification performance in low-resource dialogue systems is constrained by an inevitably high degree of data imbalance in class labels.

Speaker Turn Modeling for Dialogue Act Classification

zaghe568/speak-turn-emb-dialog-act-clf Findings (EMNLP) 2021

Dialogue Act (DA) classification is the task of classifying utterances with respect to the function they serve in a dialogue.

Sentence encoding for Dialogue Act classification

NathanDuran/Sentence-Encoding-for-DA-Classification Natural Language Engineering 2021

In this study, we investigate the process of generating single-sentence representations for the purpose of Dialogue Act (DA) classification, including several aspects of text pre-processing and input representation which are often overlooked or underreported within the literature, for example, the number of words to keep in the vocabulary or input sequences.

Speaker and Time-aware Joint Contextual Learning for Dialogue-act Classification in Counselling Conversations

lcs2-iiitd/sparta_wsdm2022 12 Nov 2021

We identify the requirement of such conversation and propose twelve domain-specific dialogue-act (DAC) labels.

A Benchmark for Automatic Medical Consultation System: Frameworks, Tasks and Datasets

lemuria-wchen/imcs21 19 Apr 2022

In recent years, interest has arisen in using machine learning to improve the efficiency of automatic medical consultation and enhance patient experience.

Learning Dialogue Representations from Consecutive Utterances

amazon-research/dse NAACL 2022

In this paper, we introduce Dialogue Sentence Embedding (DSE), a self-supervised contrastive learning method that learns effective dialogue representations suitable for a wide range of dialogue tasks.

DOROTHIE: Spoken Dialogue for Handling Unexpected Situations in Interactive Autonomous Driving Agents

sled-group/dorothie 22 Oct 2022

To this end, we introduce Dialogue On the ROad To Handle Irregular Events (DOROTHIE), a novel interactive simulation platform that enables the creation of unexpected situations on the fly to support empirical studies on situated communication with autonomous driving agents.

Hierarchical Dialogue Understanding with Special Tokens and Turn-level Attention

shawx825/hidialog Tiny Papers @ ICLR 2023

We evaluate our model on various dialogue understanding tasks including dialogue relation extraction, dialogue emotion recognition, and dialogue act classification.