
570 papers with code • 3 benchmarks • 12 datasets

This is an approach to solve a diverse set of tasks in a data efficient manner by disentangling (or isolating ) the underlying structure of the main problem into disjoint parts of its representations. This disentanglement can be done by focussing on the "transformation" properties of the world(main problem)


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Most implemented papers

Interpreting the Latent Space of GANs for Semantic Face Editing

ShenYujun/InterFaceGAN CVPR 2020

In this work, we propose a novel framework, called InterFaceGAN, for semantic face editing by interpreting the latent semantics learned by GANs.

Measuring the Biases and Effectiveness of Content-Style Disentanglement

TsaftarisCollaboratory/CSDisentanglement_Metrics_Library 27 Aug 2020

In this paper, we conduct an empirical study to investigate the role of different biases in content-style disentanglement settings and unveil the relationship between the degree of disentanglement and task performance.

ControlVAE: Tuning, Analytical Properties, and Performance Analysis

d2l-ai/d2l-en 31 Oct 2020

ControlVAE is a new variational autoencoder (VAE) framework that combines the automatic control theory with the basic VAE to stabilize the KL-divergence of VAE models to a specified value.

Stylized Neural Painting

jiupinjia/stylized-neural-painting CVPR 2021

Different from previous image-to-image translation methods that formulate the translation as pixel-wise prediction, we deal with such an artistic creation process in a vectorized environment and produce a sequence of physically meaningful stroke parameters that can be further used for rendering.

Multiple Heads are Better than One: Few-shot Font Generation with Multiple Localized Experts

clovaai/mxfont ICCV 2021

MX-Font extracts multiple style features not explicitly conditioned on component labels, but automatically by multiple experts to represent different local concepts, e. g., left-side sub-glyph.

Disentangling factors of variation in deep representations using adversarial training

ananyahjha93/cycle-consistent-vae 10 Nov 2016

During training, the only available source of supervision comes from our ability to distinguish among different observations belonging to the same class.

A Large-Scale Corpus for Conversation Disentanglement

jkkummerfeld/irc-disentanglement ACL 2019

Disentangling conversations mixed together in a single stream of messages is a difficult task, made harder by the lack of large manually annotated datasets.

Multiple-Attribute Text Style Transfer

martiansideofthemoon/style-transfer-paraphrase 1 Nov 2018

The dominant approach to unsupervised "style transfer" in text is based on the idea of learning a latent representation, which is independent of the attributes specifying its "style".

Deep Music Analogy Via Latent Representation Disentanglement

cdyrhjohn/Deep-Music-Analogy-Demos 9 Jun 2019

Analogy-making is a key method for computer algorithms to generate both natural and creative music pieces.