Driver Attention Monitoring

3 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 6 datasets

Driver attention monitoring is the task of monitoring the attention of a driver.

( Image credit: Predicting Driver Attention in Critical Situations )

Most implemented papers

Predicting Driver Attention in Critical Situations

pascalxia/driver_attention_prediction 17 Nov 2017

Because critical driving moments are so rare, collecting enough data for these situations is difficult with the conventional in-car data collection protocol---tracking eye movements during driving.

DADA: Driver Attention Prediction in Driving Accident Scenarios

JWFangit/LOTVS-DADA 18 Dec 2019

1) With the semantic images, we introduce their semantic context features and verified the manifest promotion effect for helping the driver attention prediction, where the semantic context features are modeled by a graph convolution network (GCN) on semantic images; 2) We fuse the semantic context features of semantic images and the features of RGB frames in an attentive strategy, and the fused details are transferred over frames by a convolutional LSTM module to obtain the attention map of each video frame with the consideration of historical scene variation in driving situations; 3) The superiority of the proposed method is evaluated on our previously collected dataset (named as DADA-2000) and two other challenging datasets with state-of-the-art methods.

Gated Driver Attention Predictor

jwfangit/gate-dap 1 Aug 2023

In this work, we explore the network connection gating mechanism for driver attention prediction (Gate-DAP).