Dynamic Link Prediction

18 papers with code • 9 benchmarks • 7 datasets

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Most implemented papers

EvolveGCN: Evolving Graph Convolutional Networks for Dynamic Graphs

IBM/EvolveGCN 26 Feb 2019

Existing approaches typically resort to node embeddings and use a recurrent neural network (RNN, broadly speaking) to regulate the embeddings and learn the temporal dynamics.

DyRep: Learning Representations over Dynamic Graphs

Harryi0/dyrep_torch ICLR 2019

We present DyRep - a novel modeling framework for dynamic graphs that posits representation learning as a latent mediation process bridging two observed processes namely -- dynamics of the network (realized as topological evolution) and dynamics on the network (realized as activities between nodes).

Variational Graph Recurrent Neural Networks

VGraphRNN/VGRNN NeurIPS 2019

Representation learning over graph structured data has been mostly studied in static graph settings while efforts for modeling dynamic graphs are still scant.

DyG2Vec: Efficient Representation Learning for Dynamic Graphs

huawei-noah/noah-research 30 Oct 2022

Temporal graph neural networks have shown promising results in learning inductive representations by automatically extracting temporal patterns.

Towards Better Dynamic Graph Learning: New Architecture and Unified Library

yule-buaa/dyglib NeurIPS 2023

We propose DyGFormer, a new Transformer-based architecture for dynamic graph learning.

dyngraph2vec: Capturing Network Dynamics using Dynamic Graph Representation Learning

palash1992/DynamicGEM 7 Sep 2018

Capturing such evolution is key to predicting the properties of unseen networks.

Learning Temporal Attention in Dynamic Graphs with Bilinear Interactions

uoguelph-mlrg/LDG 23 Sep 2019

We consider a common case in which edges can be short term interactions (e. g., messaging) or long term structural connections (e. g., friendship).

Benchmarking Graph Neural Networks on Dynamic Link Prediction

xkcd1838/bench-dgnn 29 Sep 2021

We compare link prediction heuristics, GNNs, discrete DGNNs, and continuous DGNNs on dynamic link prediction.

Learning Self-Modulating Attention in Continuous Time Space with Applications to Sequential Recommendation

cchao0116/CTSMA-ICML21 30 Mar 2022

User interests are usually dynamic in the real world, which poses both theoretical and practical challenges for learning accurate preferences from rich behavior data.

Euler: Detecting Network Lateral Movement via Scalable Temporal Link Prediction

iHeartGraph/Euler NDSS 2022

In this paper, we propose a formalized approach to this problem with a framework we call EULER.