Entity Disambiguation
58 papers with code • 11 benchmarks • 12 datasets
Entity Disambiguation is the task of linking mentions of ambiguous entities to their referent entities in a knowledge base such as Wikipedia.
Source: Leveraging Deep Neural Networks and Knowledge Graphs for Entity Disambiguation
Most implemented papers
Deep Joint Entity Disambiguation with Local Neural Attention
We propose a novel deep learning model for joint document-level entity disambiguation, which leverages learned neural representations.
ReFinED: An Efficient Zero-shot-capable Approach to End-to-End Entity Linking
The model is capable of generalising to large-scale knowledge bases such as Wikidata (which has 15 times more entities than Wikipedia) and of zero-shot entity linking.
Improving Entity Disambiguation by Reasoning over a Knowledge Base
Recent work in entity disambiguation (ED) has typically neglected structured knowledge base (KB) facts, and instead relied on a limited subset of KB information, such as entity descriptions or types.
EntEval: A Holistic Evaluation Benchmark for Entity Representations
Rich entity representations are useful for a wide class of problems involving entities.
Learning Dynamic Context Augmentation for Global Entity Linking
Despite of the recent success of collective entity linking (EL) methods, these "global" inference methods may yield sub-optimal results when the "all-mention coherence" assumption breaks, and often suffer from high computational cost at the inference stage, due to the complex search space.
Autoregressive Entity Retrieval
For instance, Encyclopedias such as Wikipedia are structured by entities (e. g., one per Wikipedia article).
Biomedical Interpretable Entity Representations
Pre-trained language models induce dense entity representations that offer strong performance on entity-centric NLP tasks, but such representations are not immediately interpretable.
Grammar-Constrained Decoding for Structured NLP Tasks without Finetuning
In this work, we demonstrate that formal grammars can describe the output space for a much wider range of tasks and argue that GCD can serve as a unified framework for structured NLP tasks in general.
Entity Disambiguation with Web Links
Entity disambiguation with Wikipedia relies on structured information from redirect pages, article text, inter-article links, and categories.
Studying the Wikipedia Hyperlink Graph for Relatedness and Disambiguation
Hyperlinks and other relations in Wikipedia are a extraordinary resource which is still not fully understood.