Event Argument Extraction

33 papers with code • 2 benchmarks • 2 datasets

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2 papers

Most implemented papers

TAGPRIME: A Unified Framework for Relational Structure Extraction

pluslabnlp/tagprime 25 May 2022

In this work, we propose to take a unified view of all these tasks and introduce TAGPRIME to address relational structure extraction problems.

GENEVA: Benchmarking Generalizability for Event Argument Extraction with Hundreds of Event Types and Argument Roles

pluslabnlp/geneva 25 May 2022

We utilize this ontology to further introduce GENEVA, a diverse generalizability benchmarking dataset comprising four test suites, aimed at evaluating models' ability to handle limited data and unseen event type generalization.

Few-Shot Document-Level Event Argument Extraction

xianjun-yang/fewdocae 6 Sep 2022

To fill this gap, we present FewDocAE, a Few-Shot Document-Level Event Argument Extraction benchmark, based on the existing document-level event extraction dataset.

Dynamic Global Memory for Document-level Argument Extraction

xinyadu/memory_docie ACL 2022

Extracting informative arguments of events from news articles is a challenging problem in information extraction, which requires a global contextual understanding of each document.

Code4Struct: Code Generation for Few-Shot Event Structure Prediction

xingyaoww/code4struct 23 Oct 2022

As a case study, we formulate Event Argument Extraction (EAE) as converting text into event-argument structures that can be represented as a class object using code.

Bi-Directional Iterative Prompt-Tuning for Event Argument Extraction

hustminslab/bip 28 Oct 2022

Recently, prompt-tuning has attracted growing interests in event argument extraction (EAE).

Retrieval-Augmented Generative Question Answering for Event Argument Extraction

xinyadu/rgqa 14 Nov 2022

We propose a retrieval-augmented generative QA model (R-GQA) for event argument extraction.

LeTI: Learning to Generate from Textual Interactions

xingyaoww/leti 17 May 2023

We explore LMs' potential to learn from textual interactions (LETI) that not only check their correctness with binary labels but also pinpoint and explain errors in their outputs through textual feedback.

AMPERE: AMR-Aware Prefix for Generation-Based Event Argument Extraction Model

pluslabnlp/ampere 26 May 2023

However, existing generation-based EAE models mostly focus on problem re-formulation and prompt design, without incorporating additional information that has been shown to be effective for classification-based models, such as the abstract meaning representation (AMR) of the input passages.