Face Model

68 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 5 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Learning an Animatable Detailed 3D Face Model from In-The-Wild Images

YadiraF/DECA 7 Dec 2020

Some methods produce faces that cannot be realistically animated because they do not model how wrinkles vary with expression.

ImFace: A Nonlinear 3D Morphable Face Model with Implicit Neural Representations

mingwuzheng/imface CVPR 2022

Precise representations of 3D faces are beneficial to various computer vision and graphics applications.

Next3D: Generative Neural Texture Rasterization for 3D-Aware Head Avatars

MrTornado24/FENeRF CVPR 2023

We propose a novel 3D GAN framework for unsupervised learning of generative, high-quality and 3D-consistent facial avatars from unstructured 2D images.

Multilinear Wavelets: A Statistical Shape Space for Human Faces

TimoBolkart/MultilinearWaveletModel 13 Jan 2014

We show that in comparison to a global multilinear model, our model better preserves fine detail and is computationally faster, while in comparison to a localized PCA model, our model better handles variation in expression, is faster, and allows us to fix identity parameters for a given subject.

Review of Statistical Shape Spaces for 3D Data with ComparativeAnalysis for Human Faces

TimoBolkart/GlobalLocalFaceModels 4 Apr 2014

Due to the wide avail-ability of databases of high-quality data, we use the human face as the specific shape we wish to extract from corrupted data.

3D faces in motion: Fully automatic registration and statistical analysis

TimoBolkart/MultilinearModelFitting 24 Jun 2014

The resulting statistical analysis is applied to automatically generate realistic facial animations and to recognize dynamic facial expressions.

A Groupwise Multilinear Correspondence Optimization for 3D Faces

TimoBolkart/MultilinearMDL ICCV 2015

To compute a high-quality multilinear face model, the quality of the registration of the database of 3D face scans used for training is essential.

A Multiresolution 3D Morphable Face Model and Fitting Framework

patrikhuber/eos 1 Feb 2016

In this paper, we present the Surrey Face Model, a multi-resolution 3D Morphable Model that we make available to the public for non-commercial purposes.

A Robust Multilinear Model Learning Framework for 3D Faces

TimoBolkart/RobustMultilinearModel CVPR 2016

Multilinear models are widely used to represent the statistical variations of 3D human faces as they decouple shape changes due to identity and expression.

Photorealistic Facial Texture Inference Using Deep Neural Networks

rjaisw12/3DFaceFitting CVPR 2017

We present a data-driven inference method that can synthesize a photorealistic texture map of a complete 3D face model given a partial 2D view of a person in the wild.