feature selection

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Distributed and parallel time series feature extraction for industrial big data applications

blue-yonder/tsfresh 25 Oct 2016

This problem is especially hard to solve for time series classification and regression in industrial applications such as predictive maintenance or production line optimization, for which each label or regression target is associated with several time series and meta-information simultaneously.

Learning to Explain: An Information-Theoretic Perspective on Model Interpretation

Jianbo-Lab/L2X ICML 2018

We introduce instancewise feature selection as a methodology for model interpretation.

Algorithm Selection for Collaborative Filtering: the influence of graph metafeatures and multicriteria metatargets

tiagodscunha/cf2vec 23 Jul 2018

However, the results have shown that the feature selection procedure used to create the comprehensive metafeatures is is not effective, since there is no gain in predictive performance.

A Debiased MDI Feature Importance Measure for Random Forests

shifwang/paper-debiased-feature-importance NeurIPS 2019

Based on the original definition of MDI by Breiman et al. for a single tree, we derive a tight non-asymptotic bound on the expected bias of MDI importance of noisy features, showing that deep trees have higher (expected) feature selection bias than shallow ones.

Fair Kernel Regression via Fair Feature Embedding in Kernel Space

aokray/FFE 4 Jul 2019

In this paper, we propose a new fair kernel regression method via fair feature embedding (FKR-F$^2$E) in kernel space.

Sequential Feature Classification in the Context of Redundancies

lpfann/squamish_experiments 1 Apr 2020

The problem of all-relevant feature selection is concerned with finding a relevant feature set with preserved redundancies.

Parametric Programming Approach for More Powerful and General Lasso Selective Inference

vonguyenleduy/parametric_lasso_selective_inference 21 Apr 2020

Unfortunately, the main limitation of the original SI approach for Lasso is that the inference is conducted not only conditional on the selected features but also on their signs -- this leads to loss of power because of over-conditioning.

VEST: Automatic Feature Engineering for Forecasting

vcerqueira/vest 14 Oct 2020

Time series forecasting is a challenging task with applications in a wide range of domains.

Semi-orthogonal Embedding for Efficient Unsupervised Anomaly Segmentation

jnhwkim/orthoad 31 May 2021

We present the efficiency of semi-orthogonal embedding for unsupervised anomaly segmentation.

FaPN: Feature-aligned Pyramid Network for Dense Image Prediction

EMI-Group/FaPN ICCV 2021

Recent advancements in deep neural networks have made remarkable leap-forwards in dense image prediction.