Few-shot NER

35 papers with code • 4 benchmarks • 4 datasets

Few-Shot Named Entity Recognition (NER) is the task of recognising a 'named entity' like a person, organization, time and so on in a piece of text e.g. "Alan Mathison [person] visited the Turing Institute [organization] in June [time].

Most implemented papers

Simple Questions Generate Named Entity Recognition Datasets

dmis-lab/gener 16 Dec 2021

Recent named entity recognition (NER) models often rely on human-annotated datasets, requiring the significant engagement of professional knowledge on the target domain and entities.

QaNER: Prompting Question Answering Models for Few-shot Named Entity Recognition

dayyass/QaNER 3 Mar 2022

Recently, prompt-based learning for pre-trained language models has succeeded in few-shot Named Entity Recognition (NER) by exploiting prompts as task guidance to increase label efficiency.

InstructionNER: A Multi-Task Instruction-Based Generative Framework for Few-shot NER

ovbystrova/InstructionNER 8 Mar 2022

Recently, prompt-based methods have achieved significant performance in few-shot learning scenarios by bridging the gap between language model pre-training and fine-tuning for downstream tasks.

Few-shot Named Entity Recognition with Self-describing Networks

chen700564/sdnet ACL 2022

In this paper, we propose a self-describing mechanism for few-shot NER, which can effectively leverage illustrative instances and precisely transfer knowledge from external resources by describing both entity types and mentions using a universal concept set.

Decomposed Meta-Learning for Few-Shot Named Entity Recognition

microsoft/vert-papers Findings (ACL) 2022

Few-shot named entity recognition (NER) systems aim at recognizing novel-class named entities based on only a few labeled examples.

mGPT: Few-Shot Learners Go Multilingual

ai-forever/mgpt 15 Apr 2022

Recent studies report that autoregressive language models can successfully solve many NLP tasks via zero- and few-shot learning paradigms, which opens up new possibilities for using the pre-trained language models.

Formulating Few-shot Fine-tuning Towards Language Model Pre-training: A Pilot Study on Named Entity Recognition

zihanwangki/fffner 24 May 2022

Fine-tuning pre-trained language models has recently become a common practice in building NLP models for various tasks, especially few-shot tasks.

FactMix: Using a Few Labeled In-domain Examples to Generalize to Cross-domain Named Entity Recognition

lifan-yuan/factmix COLING 2022

Few-shot Named Entity Recognition (NER) is imperative for entity tagging in limited resource domains and thus received proper attention in recent years.

SEE-Few: Seed, Expand and Entail for Few-shot Named Entity Recognition

unveiled-the-red-hat/SEE-Few COLING 2022

Current few-shot NER methods focus on leveraging existing datasets in the rich-resource domains which might fail in a training-from-scratch setting where no source-domain data is used.