Food Recognition

12 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 9 datasets

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Most implemented papers

ChineseFoodNet: A large-scale Image Dataset for Chinese Food Recognition

powerli2002/ChineseFoodNet-Resnet50 8 May 2017

In this paper, we introduce a new and challenging large-scale food image dataset called "ChineseFoodNet", which aims to automatically recognizing pictured Chinese dishes.

NU-InNet: Thai Food Image Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks on Smartphone

chakkritte/NU-InNet 1 Aug 2017

In this paper, the image recognition for Thai food using a smartphone is studied.

Deep learning approaches in food recognition

chairiq/FoodCNNs 4 Apr 2020

Automatic image-based food recognition is a particularly challenging task.

Mining Discriminative Food Regions for Accurate Food Recognition

jianing-qiu/parnet 8 Jul 2022

Taking inspiration from Adversarial Erasing, a strategy that progressively discovers discriminative object regions for weakly supervised semantic segmentation, we propose a novel network architecture in which a primary network maintains the base accuracy of classifying an input image, an auxiliary network adversarially mines discriminative food regions, and a region network classifies the resulting mined regions.

Food Ingredients Recognition through Multi-label Learning

RameezI/dishscan 24 Oct 2022

Within this framework, we focus on one of the core functionalities to visually recognize various ingredients.

Vision and Structured-Language Pretraining for Cross-Modal Food Retrieval

mshukor/vlpcook 8 Dec 2022

Finally, we validate the generalization of the approach to other tasks (i. e, Food Recognition) and domains with structured text such as the Medical domain on the ROCO dataset.

A Central Asian Food Dataset for Personalized Dietary Interventions

is2ai/central-asian-food-dataset MDPI: Nutrients 2023

Nowadays, it is common for people to take photographs of every beverage, snack, or meal they eat and then post these photographs on social media platforms.

A Central Asian Food Dataset for Personalized Dietary Interventions, Extended Abstract

is2ai/central-asian-food-dataset 12 May 2023

Nowadays, it is common for people to take photographs of every beverage, snack, or meal they eat and then post these photographs on social media platforms.

Feature-Suppressed Contrast for Self-Supervised Food Pre-training

liuxindazz/FeaSC 7 Aug 2023

As the similar contents of the two views are salient or highly responsive in the feature map, the proposed FeaSC uses a response-aware scheme to localize salient features in an unsupervised manner.