Fundus to Angiography Generation

6 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 0 datasets

Generating Retinal Fluorescein Angiography from Retinal Fundus Image using Generative Adversarial Networks.

Most implemented papers

Image-to-Image Translation with Conditional Adversarial Networks

phillipi/pix2pix CVPR 2017

We investigate conditional adversarial networks as a general-purpose solution to image-to-image translation problems.

U-GAT-IT: Unsupervised Generative Attentional Networks with Adaptive Layer-Instance Normalization for Image-to-Image Translation

taki0112/UGATIT ICLR 2020

We propose a novel method for unsupervised image-to-image translation, which incorporates a new attention module and a new learnable normalization function in an end-to-end manner.

High-Resolution Image Synthesis and Semantic Manipulation with Conditional GANs

NVIDIA/pix2pixHD CVPR 2018

We present a new method for synthesizing high-resolution photo-realistic images from semantic label maps using conditional generative adversarial networks (conditional GANs).

StarGAN v2: Diverse Image Synthesis for Multiple Domains

clovaai/stargan-v2 CVPR 2020

A good image-to-image translation model should learn a mapping between different visual domains while satisfying the following properties: 1) diversity of generated images and 2) scalability over multiple domains.

0-Step Capturability, Motion Decomposition and Global Feedback Control of the 3D Variable Height-Inverted Pendulum

GabrielEGC/IHMC-Robotics 12 Dec 2019

We also prove that the 3D VHIP with Fixed CoP is the same as its 2D version, and we generalize controllers working on the 2D VHIP to the 3D VHIP.

VTGAN: Semi-supervised Retinal Image Synthesis and Disease Prediction using Vision Transformers

Tinysqua/VTGAN-pytorch-version 14 Apr 2021

The only non-invasive method for capturing retinal vasculature is optical coherence tomography-angiography (OCTA).