Geometric Matching

24 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 1 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Convolutional neural network architecture for geometric matching

ignacio-rocco/cnngeometric_pytorch CVPR 2017

We address the problem of determining correspondences between two images in agreement with a geometric model such as an affine or thin-plate spline transformation, and estimating its parameters.

Toward Characteristic-Preserving Image-based Virtual Try-On Network

sergeywong/cp-vton ECCV 2018

Second, to alleviate boundary artifacts of warped clothes and make the results more realistic, we employ a Try-On Module that learns a composition mask to integrate the warped clothes and the rendered image to ensure smoothness.

Learning Accurate Dense Correspondences and When to Trust Them

PruneTruong/PDCNet CVPR 2021

Establishing dense correspondences between a pair of images is an important and general problem.

Discriminative Unsupervised Feature Learning with Exemplar Convolutional Neural Networks

Wuschelbueb/AML19-SelfSupervised 26 Jun 2014

While such generic features cannot compete with class specific features from supervised training on a classification task, we show that they are advantageous on geometric matching problems, where they also outperform the SIFT descriptor.

GLU-Net: Global-Local Universal Network for Dense Flow and Correspondences

PruneTruong/GLU-Net CVPR 2020

Establishing dense correspondences between a pair of images is an important and general problem, covering geometric matching, optical flow and semantic correspondences.

GOCor: Bringing Globally Optimized Correspondence Volumes into Your Neural Network

PruneTruong/GLU-Net NeurIPS 2020

We propose GOCor, a fully differentiable dense matching module, acting as a direct replacement to the feature correlation layer.

Correlation Verification for Image Retrieval

sungonce/cvnet CVPR 2022

Geometric verification is considered a de facto solution for the re-ranking task in image retrieval.

C-VTON: Context-Driven Image-Based Virtual Try-On Network

benquick123/c-vton 8 Dec 2022

At the core of the C-VTON pipeline are: (i) a geometric matching procedure that efficiently aligns the target clothing with the pose of the person in the input images, and (ii) a powerful image generator that utilizes various types of contextual information when synthesizing the final try-on result.

ContextDesc: Local Descriptor Augmentation with Cross-Modality Context

lzx551402/contextdesc CVPR 2019

Most existing studies on learning local features focus on the patch-based descriptions of individual keypoints, whereas neglecting the spatial relations established from their keypoint locations.

Self-Supervised 3D Keypoint Learning for Ego-motion Estimation

TRI-ML/KP3D 7 Dec 2019

Detecting and matching robust viewpoint-invariant keypoints is critical for visual SLAM and Structure-from-Motion.