Graph Ranking

4 papers with code • 4 benchmarks • 1 datasets

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Advanced Academic Team Worker Recommendation Models

no code yet • 7 Feb 2024

In this work, we propose a new task: academic team worker recommendation: with a given status: student, assistant professor or prime professor, research interests and specific task, we can recommend an academic team formed as (prime professor, assistant professor, student).

Graph Ranking Contrastive Learning: A Extremely Simple yet Efficient Method

no code yet • 23 Oct 2023

Thus, we propose GraphRank, a simple yet efficient graph contrastive learning method that addresses the problem of false negative samples by redefining the concept of negative samples to a certain extent, thereby avoiding the issue of false negative samples.

ToDD: Topological Compound Fingerprinting in Computer-Aided Drug Discovery

no code yet • 7 Nov 2022

In computer-aided drug discovery (CADD), virtual screening (VS) is used for identifying the drug candidates that are most likely to bind to a molecular target in a large library of compounds.

A Method of Query Graph Reranking for Knowledge Base Question Answering

no code yet • 27 Apr 2022

This paper presents a novel reranking method to better choose the optimal query graph, a sub-graph of knowledge graph, to retrieve the answer for an input question in Knowledge Base Question Answering (KBQA).

GUSUM: Graph-Based Unsupervised Summarization using Sentence-BERT and Sentence Features

no code yet • ACL ARR January 2022

In this way, we define the edges of a graph where semantic similarities are represented.

Addressing Time Bias in Bipartite Graph Ranking for Important Node Identification

no code yet • 28 Nov 2019

The problem of ranking the nodes in bipartite networks is valuable for many real-world applications.

Temporal Coherent and Graph Optimized Manifold Ranking for Visual Tracking

no code yet • 17 Apr 2018

To address this problem, we propose a novel unified temporal coherence and graph optimized ranking model for weighted patch representation in visual tracking problem.

Graph Centrality Measures for Boosting Popularity-Based Entity Linking

no code yet • 30 Nov 2017

Many Entity Linking systems use collective graph-based methods to disambiguate the entity mentions within a document.

A Graph Framework for Multimodal Medical Information Processing

no code yet • 22 Feb 2017

This paper presents a framework for retrieving, analyzing, and storing medical information as a multilayer graph, an abstract format suitable for data fusion and further processing.