Graph Reconstruction

34 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 2 datasets

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Self-Constructing Graph Convolutional Networks for Semantic Labeling

samleoqh/MSCG-Net 15 Mar 2020

Here, we propose a novel architecture called the Self-Constructing Graph (SCG), which makes use of learnable latent variables to generate embeddings and to self-construct the underlying graphs directly from the input features without relying on manually built prior knowledge graphs.

Permutation-equivariant and Proximity-aware Graph Neural Networks with Stochastic Message Passing

niuchh/smp 5 Sep 2020

Graph neural networks (GNNs) are emerging machine learning models on graphs.

Disentangling homophily, community structure and triadic closure in networks

count0/graph-tool 7 Jan 2021

Network homophily, the tendency of similar nodes to be connected, and transitivity, the tendency of two nodes being connected if they share a common neighbor, are conflated properties in network analysis, since one mechanism can drive the other.

Accurate Learning of Graph Representations with Graph Multiset Pooling

JinheonBaek/GMT ICLR 2021

Graph neural networks have been widely used on modeling graph data, achieving impressive results on node classification and link prediction tasks.

Permutation-Invariant Variational Autoencoder for Graph-Level Representation Learning

jrwnter/pigvae NeurIPS 2021

In this work we address this issue by proposing a permutation-invariant variational autoencoder for graph structured data.

A Robust and Generalized Framework for Adversarial Graph Embedding

RingBDStack/AGE 22 May 2021

With the prevalence of graph data in real-world applications, many methods have been proposed in recent years to learn high-quality graph embedding vectors various types of graphs.

Pseudo-Riemannian Graph Convolutional Networks

xiongbo010/qgcn 6 Jun 2021

Empirical results demonstrate that our method outperforms Riemannian counterparts when embedding graphs of complex topologies.

JointGT: Graph-Text Joint Representation Learning for Text Generation from Knowledge Graphs

thu-coai/JointGT Findings (ACL) 2021

Existing pre-trained models for knowledge-graph-to-text (KG-to-text) generation simply fine-tune text-to-text pre-trained models such as BART or T5 on KG-to-text datasets, which largely ignore the graph structure during encoding and lack elaborate pre-training tasks to explicitly model graph-text alignments.

TGRNet: A Table Graph Reconstruction Network for Table Structure Recognition

xuewenyuan/TGRNet ICCV 2021

A table arranging data in rows and columns is a very effective data structure, which has been widely used in business and scientific research.

Edge Representation Learning with Hypergraphs

harryjo97/EHGNN NeurIPS 2021

This dual hypergraph construction allows us to apply message-passing techniques for node representations to edges.