Hallucination Pair-wise Detection (1-ref)

3 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 0 datasets

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Most implemented papers

CLIPScore: A Reference-free Evaluation Metric for Image Captioning

jmhessel/clipscore EMNLP 2021

Image captioning has conventionally relied on reference-based automatic evaluations, where machine captions are compared against captions written by humans.

Mutual Information Divergence: A Unified Metric for Multimodal Generative Models

naver-ai/mid.metric 25 May 2022

Based on a recent trend that multimodal generative evaluations exploit a vison-and-language pre-trained model, we propose the negative Gaussian cross-mutual information using the CLIP features as a unified metric, coined by Mutual Information Divergence (MID).

Self-contradictory Hallucinations of Large Language Models: Evaluation, Detection and Mitigation

eth-sri/chatprotect 25 May 2023

Large language models (large LMs) are susceptible to producing text that contains hallucinated content.