Headline Generation

33 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 2 datasets

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Most implemented papers

NSINA: A News Corpus for Sinhala

sinhala-nlp/nsina 25 Mar 2024

NSINA is the largest news corpus for Sinhala, available up to date.

Deep Reinforcement Learning For Sequence to Sequence Models

yaserkl/RLSeq2Seq 24 May 2018

In this survey, we consider seq2seq problems from the RL point of view and provide a formulation combining the power of RL methods in decision-making with sequence-to-sequence models that enable remembering long-term memories.

Don't Just Scratch the Surface: Enhancing Word Representations for Korean with Hanja

shin285/KOMORAN IJCNLP 2019

We propose a simple yet effective approach for improving Korean word representations using additional linguistic annotation (i. e. Hanja).

IT5: Text-to-text Pretraining for Italian Language Understanding and Generation

gsarti/it5 7 Mar 2022

We introduce IT5, the first family of encoder-decoder transformer models pretrained specifically on Italian.

Question Answering as an Automatic Evaluation Metric for News Article Summarization

mataney/APES-optimizer NAACL 2019

Recent work in the field of automatic summarization and headline generation focuses on maximizing ROUGE scores for various news datasets.

Advances of Transformer-Based Models for News Headline Generation

IlyaGusev/summarus 9 Jul 2020

Pretrained language models based on Transformer architecture are the reason for recent breakthroughs in many areas of NLP, including sentiment analysis, question answering, named entity recognition.

Few-Shot Text Generation with Pattern-Exploiting Training

timoschick/pet 22 Dec 2020

Providing pretrained language models with simple task descriptions in natural language enables them to solve some tasks in a fully unsupervised fashion.

Direct Output Connection for a High-Rank Language Model

nttcslab-nlp/doc_lm EMNLP 2018

This paper proposes a state-of-the-art recurrent neural network (RNN) language model that combines probability distributions computed not only from a final RNN layer but also from middle layers.

Importance of Copying Mechanism for News Headline Generation

IlyaGusev/summarus 25 Apr 2019

News headline generation is an essential problem of text summarization because it is constrained, well-defined, and is still hard to solve.

Data-efficient Neural Text Compression with Interactive Learning

UKPLab/NAACL2019-interactiveCompression NAACL 2019

Neural sequence-to-sequence models have been successfully applied to text compression.