Heart rate estimation

23 papers with code • 5 benchmarks • 7 datasets

RR interval detection and R peak detection from QRS complex


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2 papers

Most implemented papers

DeepFakesON-Phys: DeepFakes Detection based on Heart Rate Estimation

BiDAlab/DeepFakesON-Phys 1 Oct 2020

This work introduces a novel DeepFake detection framework based on physiological measurement.

An Open Framework for Remote-PPG Methods and their Assessment

phuselab/pyVHR 26 Nov 2020

This paper presents a comprehensive framework for studying methods of pulse rate estimation relying on remote photoplethysmography (rPPG).

Self-supervised Representation Learning Framework for Remote Physiological Measurement Using Spatiotemporal Augmentation Loss

Dylan-H-Wang/SLF-RPM 16 Jul 2021

To address these problems, we present a novel self-supervised spatiotemporal learning framework for remote physiological signal representation learning, where there is a lack of labelled training data.

Instantaneous Physiological Estimation using Video Transformers

revanurambareesh/instantaneous_transformer 24 Feb 2022

It outperformed both shallow and deep learning based methods for instantaneous respiration rate estimation.

pyVHR: a Python framework for remote photoplethysmography

phuselab/pyVHR PeerJ Computer Science 2022

A number of effective methods relying on data-driven, model-based and statistical approaches have emerged in the past two decades.

Heart rate estimation in intense exercise videos

ynapolean/ibis-cnn 4 Aug 2022

Existing work can robustly measure heart rate under some degree of motion by face tracking.

Demo: RhythmEdge: Enabling Contactless Heart Rate Estimation on the Edge

mxahan/rPPG_edge_implementation 13 Aug 2022

In this demo paper, we design and prototype RhythmEdge, a low-cost, deep-learning-based contact-less system for regular HR monitoring applications.

Tiny-HR: Towards an interpretable machine learning pipeline for heart rate estimation on edge devices

tataganesh/hrv-edgedevice 16 Aug 2022

Further, a hybrid pipeline consisting of the upsampler and classifier, followed by a peak detection algorithm was developed.

Liquid Structural State-Space Models

raminmh/liquid-s4 26 Sep 2022

A proper parametrization of state transition matrices of linear state-space models (SSMs) followed by standard nonlinearities enables them to efficiently learn representations from sequential data, establishing the state-of-the-art on a large series of long-range sequence modeling benchmarks.

Image Enhancement for Remote Photoplethysmography in a Low-Light Environment

xilin1991/Large-scale-Multi-illumination-HR-Database 16 Mar 2023

Using collected dataset, we found 1) face detection algorithm cannot detect faces in video captured in low light conditions; 2) A decrease in the amplitude of the pulsatile signal will lead to the noise signal to be in the dominant position; and 3) the chrominance-based method suffers from the limitation in the assumption about skin-tone will not hold, and Green and ICA method receive less influence than POS in dark illuminance environment.