hypergraph partitioning

6 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

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Bandana: Using Non-volatile Memory for Storing Deep Learning Models

no code yet • 14 Nov 2018

Typical large-scale recommender systems use deep learning models that are stored on a large amount of DRAM.

Evolutionary n-level Hypergraph Partitioning with Adaptive Coarsening

no code yet • 25 Mar 2018

This article presents a novel memetic algorithm which remains effective on larger initial hypergraphs.

Engineering a direct k-way Hypergraph Partitioning Algorithm

no code yet • ALENEX 2017 2017

We also remove several further bottlenecks in processing large hyperedges, develop a faster contraction algorithm, and a new adaptive stopping rule for local search.

Uniform Hypergraph Partitioning: Provable Tensor Methods and Sampling Techniques

no code yet • 21 Feb 2016

This work is motivated by two issues that arise when a hypergraph partitioning approach is used to tackle computer vision problems: (i) The uniform hypergraphs constructed for higher-order learning contain all edges, but most have negligible weights.

Streaming Min-max Hypergraph Partitioning

no code yet • NeurIPS 2015

In many applications, the data is of rich structure that can be represented by a hypergraph, where the data items are represented by vertices and the associations among items are represented by hyperedges.

Consistency of Spectral Hypergraph Partitioning under Planted Partition Model

no code yet • 7 May 2015

Hypergraph partitioning lies at the heart of a number of problems in machine learning and network sciences.

Context-Aware Hypergraph Construction for Robust Spectral Clustering

no code yet • 4 Jan 2014

Using both CAHSM and DHPC, a robust spectral clustering algorithm is developed.

A Hypergraph-Partitioned Vertex Programming Approach for Large-scale Consensus Optimization

no code yet • 30 Aug 2013

In modern data science problems, techniques for extracting value from big data require performing large-scale optimization over heterogenous, irregularly structured data.