Image Harmonization

42 papers with code • 3 benchmarks • 2 datasets

Image harmonization aims to modify the color of the composited region with respect to the specific background.

Most implemented papers

Image Harmonization With Transformer

zhenglab/harmonytransformer ICCV 2021

Current solutions mainly adopt an encoder-decoder architecture with convolutional neural network (CNN) to capture the context of composite images, trying to understand what it looks like in the surrounding background near the foreground.

Deep Image Harmonization by Bridging the Reality Gap

bcmi/Rendered_Image_Harmonization_Datasets 31 Mar 2021

Image harmonization has been significantly advanced with large-scale harmonization dataset.

Inharmonious Region Localization

bcmi/DIRL 19 Apr 2021

The advance of image editing techniques allows users to create artistic works, but the manipulated regions may be incompatible with the background.

Region-aware Adaptive Instance Normalization for Image Harmonization

junleen/RainNet CVPR 2021

To ensure the visual style consistency between the foreground and the background, in this paper, we treat image harmonization as a style transfer problem.

Intrinsic Image Harmonization

zhenglab/IntrinsicHarmony CVPR 2021

Specifically, we harmonize reflectance through material-consistency penalty, while harmonize illumination by learning and transferring light from background to foreground, moreover, we model patch relations between foreground and background of composite images in an inharmony-free learning way, to adaptively guide our intrinsic image harmonization.

SSH: A Self-Supervised Framework for Image Harmonization

vita-group/ssharmonization ICCV 2021

Image harmonization aims to improve the quality of image compositing by matching the "appearance" (\eg, color tone, brightness and contrast) between foreground and background images.

High-Resolution Image Harmonization via Collaborative Dual Transformations

bcmi/CDTNet-High-Resolution-Image-Harmonization CVPR 2022

Conventional image harmonization methods learn global RGB-to-RGB transformation which could effortlessly scale to high resolution, but ignore diverse local context.

Deep residual inception encoder-decoder network for amyloid PET harmonization

jaygshah/RIED-Net Alzheimer's and Dementia 2022

Multiple positron emission tomography (PET) tracers are available for amyloid imaging, posing a significant challenge to consensus interpretation and quantitative analysis.

SCS-Co: Self-Consistent Style Contrastive Learning for Image Harmonization

ychang686/scs-co CVPR 2022

In addition, we propose a background-attentional adaptive instance normalization (BAIN) to achieve an attention-weighted background feature distribution according to the foreground-background feature similarity.