Image Matching

12 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 1 datasets

Image Matching or wide multiple baseline stereo (WxBS) is a process of establishing a sufficient number of pixel or region correspondences from two or more images depicting the same scene to estimate the geometric relationship between cameras, which produced these images.

Source: The Role of Wide Baseline Stereo in the Deep Learning World

( Image credit: Kornia )

Most implemented papers

Decoupling Makes Weakly Supervised Local Feature Better

The-Learning-And-Vision-Atelier-LAVA/PoSFeat CVPR 2022

Weakly supervised learning can help local feature methods to overcome the obstacle of acquiring a large-scale dataset with densely labeled correspondences.

Shared Coupling-bridge for Weakly Supervised Local Feature Learning

sunjiayuanro/scfeat 14 Dec 2022

Sparse local feature extraction is usually believed to be of important significance in typical vision tasks such as simultaneous localization and mapping, image matching and 3D reconstruction.