Image Morphing

19 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 0 datasets

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Most implemented papers

StyleAlign: Analysis and Applications of Aligned StyleGAN Models

betterze/StyleAlign ICLR 2022

Several works already utilize some basic properties of aligned StyleGAN models to perform image-to-image translation.

Beyond a Video Frame Interpolator: A Space Decoupled Learning Approach to Continuous Image Transition

yangxy/sdl 18 Mar 2022

Most of the existing deep learning based VFI methods adopt off-the-shelf optical flow algorithms to estimate the bidirectional flows and interpolate the missing frames accordingly.

AugStatic - A Light-Weight Image Augmentation Library

avs-abhishek123/AugStatic Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) 2022

AugStatic is a custom-built image augmentation library with lower computation costs and more extraordinary salient features compared to other image augmentation libraries.

Are GAN-based Morphs Threatening Face Recognition?

bob/bob.paper.icassp2022_morph_generate 5 May 2022

Morphing attacks are a threat to biometric systems where the biometric reference in an identity document can be altered.

Multiview Regenerative Morphing with Dual Flows

jimtsai23/morphflow 2 Aug 2022

This paper aims to address a new task of image morphing under a multiview setting, which takes two sets of multiview images as the input and generates intermediate renderings that not only exhibit smooth transitions between the two input sets but also ensure visual consistency across different views at any transition state.

StyleDomain: Efficient and Lightweight Parameterizations of StyleGAN for One-shot and Few-shot Domain Adaptation

airi-institute/styledomain ICCV 2023

As a result of this study, we propose new efficient and lightweight parameterizations of StyleGAN for domain adaptation.

IMPUS: Image Morphing with Perceptually-Uniform Sampling Using Diffusion Models

gol2022/impus 12 Nov 2023

We present a diffusion-based image morphing approach with perceptually-uniform sampling (IMPUS) that produces smooth, direct and realistic interpolations given an image pair.

On mitigating stability-plasticity dilemma in CLIP-guided image morphing via geodesic distillation loss

oyt9306/geodesic-CLIP 19 Jan 2024

Large-scale language-vision pre-training models, such as CLIP, have achieved remarkable text-guided image morphing results by leveraging several unconditional generative models.