
331 papers with code • 4 benchmarks • 11 datasets

Substituting missing data with values according to some criteria.


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11 papers
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Variational Autoencoder with Arbitrary Conditioning

tigvarts/ucm ICLR 2019

We propose a single neural probabilistic model based on variational autoencoder that can be conditioned on an arbitrary subset of observed features and then sample the remaining features in "one shot".

On the consistency of supervised learning with missing values

nprost/supervised_missing 19 Feb 2019

A striking result is that the widely-used method of imputing with a constant, such as the mean prior to learning is consistent when missing values are not informative.

Recurrent Kalman Networks: Factorized Inference in High-Dimensional Deep Feature Spaces

boschresearch/continuous-recurrent-units 17 May 2019

In order to integrate uncertainty estimates into deep time-series modelling, Kalman Filters (KFs) (Kalman et al., 1960) have been integrated with deep learning models, however, such approaches typically rely on approximate inference techniques such as variational inference which makes learning more complex and often less scalable due to approximation errors.

Lung Segmentation from Chest X-rays using Variational Data Imputation

raghavian/lungVAE 20 May 2020

Pulmonary opacification is the inflammation in the lungs caused by many respiratory ailments, including the novel corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

A Review of Deep Learning Methods for Irregularly Sampled Medical Time Series Data

SunChenxiSCX/ISMTS-Review 23 Oct 2020

Developing deep learning methods on EHRs data is critical for personalized treatment, precise diagnosis and medical management.

Geometry- and Accuracy-Preserving Random Forest Proximities

kevinmoonlab/rf-gap 29 Jan 2022

Random forests are considered one of the best out-of-the-box classification and regression algorithms due to their high level of predictive performance with relatively little tuning.

TimesNet: Temporal 2D-Variation Modeling for General Time Series Analysis

thuml/timesnet 5 Oct 2022

TimesBlock can discover the multi-periodicity adaptively and extract the complex temporal variations from transformed 2D tensors by a parameter-efficient inception block.

Deep Learning for Multivariate Time Series Imputation: A Survey

WenjieDu/PyPOTS 6 Feb 2024

In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive survey on the recently proposed deep learning imputation methods.

MIDA: Multiple Imputation using Denoising Autoencoders

HarryK24/MIDA-pytorch 8 May 2017

Missing data is a significant problem impacting all domains.

Handling Incomplete Heterogeneous Data using VAEs

probabilistic-learning/HI-VAE 10 Jul 2018

Variational autoencoders (VAEs), as well as other generative models, have been shown to be efficient and accurate for capturing the latent structure of vast amounts of complex high-dimensional data.