
101 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 1 datasets

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BERT for Joint Intent Classification and Slot Filling

monologg/JointBERT 28 Feb 2019

Intent classification and slot filling are two essential tasks for natural language understanding.

Benchmarking Natural Language Understanding Services for building Conversational Agents

xliuhw/NLU-Evaluation-Data 13 Mar 2019

We have recently seen the emergence of several publicly available Natural Language Understanding (NLU) toolkits, which map user utterances to structured, but more abstract, Dialogue Act (DA) or Intent specifications, while making this process accessible to the lay developer.

Attention-Based Recurrent Neural Network Models for Joint Intent Detection and Slot Filling

DSKSD/RNN-for-Joint-NLU 6 Sep 2016

Attention-based encoder-decoder neural network models have recently shown promising results in machine translation and speech recognition.

MASSIVE: A 1M-Example Multilingual Natural Language Understanding Dataset with 51 Typologically-Diverse Languages

alexa/massive 18 Apr 2022

We present the MASSIVE dataset--Multilingual Amazon Slu resource package (SLURP) for Slot-filling, Intent classification, and Virtual assistant Evaluation.

Induction Networks for Few-Shot Text Classification

zhongyuchen/few-shot-text-classification IJCNLP 2019

Therefore, we should be able to learn a general representation of each class in the support set and then compare it to new queries.

An Evaluation Dataset for Intent Classification and Out-of-Scope Prediction

clinc/oos-eval IJCNLP 2019

We find that while the classifiers perform well on in-scope intent classification, they struggle to identify out-of-scope queries.

ConveRT: Efficient and Accurate Conversational Representations from Transformers

golsun/dialogrpt Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2020

General-purpose pretrained sentence encoders such as BERT are not ideal for real-world conversational AI applications; they are computationally heavy, slow, and expensive to train.

Subword Semantic Hashing for Intent Classification on Small Datasets

kumar-shridhar/Know-Your-Intent 16 Oct 2018

In this paper, we introduce the use of Semantic Hashing as embedding for the task of Intent Classification and achieve state-of-the-art performance on three frequently used benchmarks.

End-to-End Slot Alignment and Recognition for Cross-Lingual NLU

amazon-research/multiatis EMNLP 2020

We introduce MultiATIS++, a new multilingual NLU corpus that extends the Multilingual ATIS corpus to nine languages across four language families, and evaluate our method using the corpus.

The First Evaluation of Chinese Human-Computer Dialogue Technology

InsaneLife/ChineseNLPCorpus 29 Sep 2017

In this paper, we introduce the first evaluation of Chinese human-computer dialogue technology.