Intent Detection

109 papers with code • 17 benchmarks • 20 datasets

Intent Detection is a task of determining the underlying purpose or goal behind a user's search query given a context. The task plays a significant role in search and recommendations. A traditional approach for intent detection implies using an intent detector model to classify user search query into predefined intent categories, given a context. One of the key challenges of the task implies identifying user intents for cold-start sessions, i.e., search sessions initiated by a non-logged-in or unrecognized user.

Source: Analyzing and Predicting Purchase Intent in E-commerce: Anonymous vs. Identified Customers


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Most implemented papers

CM-Net: A Novel Collaborative Memory Network for Spoken Language Understanding

Adaxry/CM-Net IJCNLP 2019

Spoken Language Understanding (SLU) mainly involves two tasks, intent detection and slot filling, which are generally modeled jointly in existing works.

Learning Spoken Language Representations with Neural Lattice Language Modeling

MiuLab/Lattice-ELMo ACL 2020

Pre-trained language models have achieved huge improvement on many NLP tasks.

From Masked Language Modeling to Translation: Non-English Auxiliary Tasks Improve Zero-shot Spoken Language Understanding

Kaleidophon/deep-significance NAACL 2021

To tackle the challenge, we propose a joint learning approach, with English SLU training data and non-English auxiliary tasks from raw text, syntax and translation for transfer.

Energy-based Unknown Intent Detection with Data Manipulation

yawenouyang/GOT Findings (ACL) 2021

Unknown intent detection aims to identify the out-of-distribution (OOD) utterance whose intent has never appeared in the training set.

Few-Shot Intent Detection via Contrastive Pre-Training and Fine-Tuning

jianguoz/Few-Shot-Intent-Detection EMNLP 2021

In this work, we focus on a more challenging few-shot intent detection scenario where many intents are fine-grained and semantically similar.

TEXTOIR: An Integrated and Visualized Platform for Text Open Intent Recognition

thuiar/textoir ACL 2021

It is composed of two main modules: open intent detection and open intent discovery.

Z-BERT-A: a zero-shot Pipeline for Unknown Intent detection

gt4sd/zero-shot-bert-adapters 15 Aug 2022

In our evaluation, we first analyze the quality of the model after adaptive fine-tuning on known classes.

A Persian Benchmark for Joint Intent Detection and Slot Filling

Makbari1997/Persian-Atis 1 Mar 2023

To evaluate the effectiveness of our benchmark, we employ state-of-the-art methods for intent detection and slot filling.

Intent Detection and Entity Extraction from BioMedical Literature

bionlu-coling2024/biomed-ner-intent_detection 4 Apr 2024

Biomedical queries have become increasingly prevalent in web searches, reflecting the growing interest in accessing biomedical literature.

Churn Intent Detection in Multilingual Chatbot Conversations and Social Media

swisscom/churn-intent-DE CONLL 2018

To this end, we crowdsource and publish a dataset of churn intent expressions in chatbot interactions in German and English.