Keypoint Detection

150 papers with code • 7 benchmarks • 11 datasets

Keypoint Detection involves simultaneously detecting people and localizing their keypoints. Keypoints are the same thing as interest points. They are spatial locations, or points in the image that define what is interesting or what stand out in the image. They are invariant to image rotation, shrinkage, translation, distortion, and so on.

( Image credit: PifPaf: Composite Fields for Human Pose Estimation; "Learning to surf" by fotologic, license: CC-BY-2.0 )


Use these libraries to find Keypoint Detection models and implementations

Self-supervised Learning of Contextualized Local Visual Embeddings

sthalles/clove 1 Oct 2023

We present Contextualized Local Visual Embeddings (CLoVE), a self-supervised convolutional-based method that learns representations suited for dense prediction tasks.

01 Oct 2023

EP2P-Loc: End-to-End 3D Point to 2D Pixel Localization for Large-Scale Visual Localization

minnjung/ep2p-loc ICCV 2023

Visual localization is the task of estimating a 6-DoF camera pose of a query image within a provided 3D reference map.

14 Sep 2023

InstructDiffusion: A Generalist Modeling Interface for Vision Tasks

cientgu/instructdiffusion 7 Sep 2023

We present InstructDiffusion, a unifying and generic framework for aligning computer vision tasks with human instructions.

07 Sep 2023

Improving the matching of deformable objects by learning to detect keypoints

verlab/learningtodetect_prl_2023 1 Sep 2023

We propose a novel learned keypoint detection method to increase the number of correct matches for the task of non-rigid image correspondence.

01 Sep 2023

A lightweight 3D dense facial landmark estimation model from position map data

shubhajitbasak/dense3dfacelandmarks 29 Aug 2023

As there is no public dataset available containing dense landmarks, we propose a pipeline to create a dense keypoint training dataset containing 520 key points across the whole face from an existing facial position map data.

29 Aug 2023

Neural Interactive Keypoint Detection

idea-research/click-pose ICCV 2023

Click-Pose explores how user feedback can cooperate with a neural keypoint detector to correct the predicted keypoints in an interactive way for a faster and more effective annotation process.

20 Aug 2023

DeDoDe: Detect, Don't Describe -- Describe, Don't Detect for Local Feature Matching

parskatt/dedode 16 Aug 2023

To train a descriptor, we maximize the mutual nearest neighbour objective over the keypoints with a separate network.

16 Aug 2023

CoDeF: Content Deformation Fields for Temporally Consistent Video Processing

qiuyu96/codef 15 Aug 2023

We present the content deformation field CoDeF as a new type of video representation, which consists of a canonical content field aggregating the static contents in the entire video and a temporal deformation field recording the transformations from the canonical image (i. e., rendered from the canonical content field) to each individual frame along the time axis. Given a target video, these two fields are jointly optimized to reconstruct it through a carefully tailored rendering pipeline. We advisedly introduce some regularizations into the optimization process, urging the canonical content field to inherit semantics (e. g., the object shape) from the video. With such a design, CoDeF naturally supports lifting image algorithms for video processing, in the sense that one can apply an image algorithm to the canonical image and effortlessly propagate the outcomes to the entire video with the aid of the temporal deformation field. We experimentally show that CoDeF is able to lift image-to-image translation to video-to-video translation and lift keypoint detection to keypoint tracking without any training. More importantly, thanks to our lifting strategy that deploys the algorithms on only one image, we achieve superior cross-frame consistency in processed videos compared to existing video-to-video translation approaches, and even manage to track non-rigid objects like water and smog. Project page can be found at https://qiuyu96. github. io/CoDeF/.

15 Aug 2023

2D3D-MATR: 2D-3D Matching Transformer for Detection-free Registration between Images and Point Clouds

minhaolee/2d3dmatr ICCV 2023

The commonly adopted detect-then-match approach to registration finds difficulties in the cross-modality cases due to the incompatible keypoint detection and inconsistent feature description.

10 Aug 2023

Reverse Knowledge Distillation: Training a Large Model using a Small One for Retinal Image Matching on Limited Data

SaharAlmahfouzNasser/MeDAL-Retina 20 Jul 2023

We propose a novel approach based on reverse knowledge distillation to train large models with limited data while preventing overfitting.

20 Jul 2023