Keypoint Estimation

33 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 1 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Detect-and-Track: Efficient Pose Estimation in Videos

facebookresearch/DetectAndTrack CVPR 2018

This paper addresses the problem of estimating and tracking human body keypoints in complex, multi-person video.

Learning to Predict Robot Keypoints Using Artificially Generated Images

cheind/pytorch-blender 3 Jul 2019

This work considers robot keypoint estimation on color images as a supervised machine learning task.

KeyPose: Multi-View 3D Labeling and Keypoint Estimation for Transparent Objects

google-research/google-research CVPR 2020

We address two problems: first, we establish an easy method for capturing and labeling 3D keypoints on desktop objects with an RGB camera; and second, we develop a deep neural network, called $KeyPose$, that learns to accurately predict object poses using 3D keypoints, from stereo input, and works even for transparent objects.

Joint Viewpoint and Keypoint Estimation with Real and Synthetic Data

Heliot7/viewpoint-cnn-syn 13 Dec 2019

The estimation of viewpoints and keypoints effectively enhance object detection methods by extracting valuable traits of the object instances.

Perception for Autonomous Systems (PAZ)

oarriaga/paz 27 Oct 2020

In this paper we introduce the Perception for Autonomous Systems (PAZ) software library.

The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis for Object Recognition

Sharath-girish/LTH-ObjectRecognition CVPR 2021

The recently proposed Lottery Ticket Hypothesis (LTH) states that deep neural networks trained on large datasets contain smaller subnetworks that achieve on par performance as the dense networks.

Arbitrary-Oriented Ship Detection through Center-Head Point Extraction

zf020114/CHPDet 27 Jan 2021

Moreover, we introduce a new dataset for multi-class arbitrary-oriented ship detection in remote sensing images at a fixed ground sample distance (GSD) which is named FGSD2021.

[Re] On end-to-end 6{DoF} object pose estimation and robustness to object scale

tzole1155/EndToEndObjectPose RC 2020

We communicated with the authors of [1] through GitHub, and we would like to thank them as they provided a fast and detailed response.

Single-Shot Cuboids: Geodesics-based End-to-end Manhattan Aligned Layout Estimation from Spherical Panoramas

VCL3D/SingleShotCuboids 7 Feb 2021

In this work we show how to estimate full room layouts in a single-shot, eliminating the need for postprocessing.

Scale-aware Automatic Augmentation for Object Detection

Jia-Research-Lab/SA-AutoAug CVPR 2021

We propose Scale-aware AutoAug to learn data augmentation policies for object detection.