Knowledge-Aware Recommendation

7 papers with code • 0 benchmarks • 1 datasets

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Most implemented papers

Ekar: An Explainable Method for Knowledge Aware Recommendation

DeepGraphLearning/RecommenderSystems 22 Jun 2019

Recently, a variety of methods have been developed for this problem, which generally try to learn effective representations of users and items and then match items to users according to their representations.

KB4Rec: A Dataset for Linking Knowledge Bases with Recommender Systems

RUCDM/KB4Rec 30 Jul 2018

Based on our linked dataset, we first preform some interesting qualitative analysis experiments, in which we discuss the effect of two important factors (i. e. popularity and recency) on whether a RS item can be linked to a KB entity.

HAKG: Hierarchy-Aware Knowledge Gated Network for Recommendation

zealscott/hakg 11 Apr 2022

Furthermore, we propose a dual item embeddings design to represent and propagate collaborative signals and knowledge associations separately, and leverage the gated aggregation to distill discriminative information for better capturing user behavior patterns.

Multi-level Cross-view Contrastive Learning for Knowledge-aware Recommender System

cciiplab/mcclk 19 Apr 2022

Different from traditional contrastive learning methods which generate two graph views by uniform data augmentation schemes such as corruption or dropping, we comprehensively consider three different graph views for KG-aware recommendation, including global-level structural view, local-level collaborative and semantic views.

Improving Knowledge-aware Recommendation with Multi-level Interactive Contrastive Learning

cciiplab/kgic 22 Aug 2022

Specifically, we first construct local and non-local graphs for user/item in KG, exploring more KG facts for KGR.

Knowledge-refined Denoising Network for Robust Recommendation

xj-zhu98/krdn 28 Apr 2023

Knowledge graph (KG), which contains rich side information, becomes an essential part to boost the recommendation performance and improve its explainability.

Knowledge-aware Dual-side Attribute-enhanced Recommendation

tjtp/kdar 24 Mar 2024

Specifically, we build \textit{user preference representations} and \textit{attribute fusion representations} upon the attribute information in knowledge graphs, which are utilized to enhance \textit{collaborative filtering} (CF) based user and item representations, respectively.